black gums in Vietnamese

danh từ
(thực vật học) cây bạch đàn đen (cũng sour gum)

Sentence patterns related to "black gums"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "black gums" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "black gums", or refer to the context using the word "black gums" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. These sweets are small, black and look much like gums.

Loại đồ ngọt này nhỏ, có màu đen và nhìn giống kẹo cao.

2. If you have unhealthy gums ( gums disease or gingivitis ) , your gums become inflamed or irritated .

Nếu như nướu răng không khoẻ ( bệnh nướu răng hoặc viêm nướu ) , thì nướu của bạn bị viêm hoặc tấy lên .

3. Severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, nosebleeds and bleeding gums, black stools, and reddish-purple blisters under the skin.

Đó là đau bụng dữ dội, nôn liên tục, chảy máu mũi, máu lợi, đi ngoài phân đen và bầm huyết dưới da.

4. From the start, tar, a black, resinous material, begins to coat the teeth and gums, damaging tooth enamel, and eventually causing decay.

Đầu tiên là, hắc ín, màu đen, chất có tính nhựa. bắt đầu bao phủ răng và nướu, phá huỷ men răng, và cuối cùng là gây sâu răng.

5. The dog bared its gums at me.

6. The vitamin C content of Clementines help keep your gums pink, while preventing bleeding gums and gingivitis

7. Then I saw her toothless gums.

8. To chew ( food ) with toothless gums.

9. Lips and Gums -- Pinkish flesh shades .

10. Sore gums can make babies very cranky .

Chứng đau nướu răng cũng có thể làm cho bé cáu kỉnh , khó chịu .

11. Gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes

12. A gum Abscess is a pocket of infection in the gums or the space between the teeth and the gums

13. Aging predisposes adults to Cavities because of receding gums

14. Therefore, bacteria can continue to affect the gums adversely.

15. To keep gums healthy , practice good oral hygiene .

Để giữ cho nướu khỏe mạnh , bạn nên vệ sinh răng miệng sạch sẽ .

16. The old man smiled to reveal toothless gums.

17. Gums [adhesives], other than for stationery or household purposes

18. The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums.

19. 4 With Niacin and Vitamin A for health gums.

20. Benzocaine is a local anesthetic (medicine that numbs skin and gums)

21. Wipe gums with a clean , damp cloth or gauze pad .

22. Chemico-pharmaceutical preparations,Namely aluminium chloride paste for treating gums

23. Dental air drill pushed an air bubble into his gums.

24. Clove is most commonly applied directly to the gums for

25. Gum/periodontal Abscess: Abscess in the gums; often caused by gum disease