attenuate in Vietnamese

Ngoại Động từ
1. làm mỏng đi, làm mảnh đi, làm gầy đi
2. làm yếu đi
3. làm loãng
4. (vật lý) làm tắt dần, làm suy giảm

Tính từ
1. mỏng bớt, mảnh bớt
2. gầy còm, mảnh dẻ
3. yếu đi, giảm bớt
4. loãng đi

Sentence patterns related to "attenuate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "attenuate" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "attenuate", or refer to the context using the word "attenuate" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Attenuate duct and fan noise.

2. It is too significant, too attenuate.

3. The cascode amplifier may include integrated notch filters to attenuate undesired signals.

4. Trees may be planted in and around the factory to attenuate noise .

5. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.

6. However, radio waves attenuate as they move out from the transmitting antenna .

7. Then we got involved with trying to find polymers that attenuate radiation.

8. In addition, putrescine could attenuate the development and expression of morphine physical dependence.

9. co-administration of Shuanghuanglian injection and Sanhuang capsule could attenuate the postoperative adhesion.

10. Exosomes Expressing Thyrotropin Receptor Attenuate Autoantibody-Mediated Stimulation of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Production Thyroid

11. Suitable antimicrobials given during the catarrhal stage of whooping cough can attenuate the course of the disease.

12. Systems and methods for utilizing inter-microphone level differences (ILD) to attenuate noise and enhance speech are provided.

13. The AGC detector (30) includes a second filter (35) operative to attenuate a predetermined carrier frequency.

14. Study results show that suspension style can effectively attenuate vibration, especially the vibration at resonance point.

15. Further, disciplinary transfers may serve to pre-empt escape risk, and therefore, attenuate the actual escape rate.

16. The notch filter proposed is used to attenuate the adjacent channel interference in the Loran-C receiver.

17. 19 During calcium ingestion, factors such as calcitonin might attenuate bone resorption, while bone calcium deposition continues.

18. (Laughter) Finally, oysters can attenuate and agglomerate onto each other and form these amazing natural reef structures.

19. The directive also contains provisions on energy absorption, in order to attenuate the effects of passenger impact with the compartment.

20. Adjustment for the lower lean body mass in the very - low - birth - weight subjects did not attenuate these relationships.

21. Angiotensin II, a blood borne hormone, acts via its type 1A receptor to attenuate the Baroreceptor reflex and this reflex

22. Conclusion Bezafibrate could attenuate AS in rabbits, in which the decrease of MCP-1 protein and gene expression may be involved.

23. Accordingly, pre-exposure to the context can be expected to attenuate the extent to which latent inhibition will develop context-specificity.

24. Attenuate is a verb that means something has been made thin or less, at which point it can be described as Attenuated

25. Basidia 60-85 X 8-11 [micro]m, clavate, attenuate below, clamped, multiguttulate when mature; sterigmata 4, long, curved-divergent

26. N,N-disubstituted Azines attenuate LPS-mediated neuroinflammation in microglia and neuronal apoptosis via inhibiting MAPK signaling pathways BMC Neurosci

27. At heel strike, under computer control, the system controls stiffness, to attenuate the shock of the limb hitting the ground.

28. To attenuate the vibration of a rotor system subjected to random excitation, a stochastic optimal control strategy for the vibration control was presented.

29. High-temperature gas cleaning techniques remove the water and metal ions which are a natural constituent of silica glass, and attenuate light.

30. With the current and speed setpoint filter (low-pass filter or band-stop filter) it is possible to attenuate resonance of the drives.

31. 21 High-temperature gas cleaning techniques remove the water and metal ions which are a natural constituent of silica glass, and attenuate light.

32. The free carrier absorption by carriers injected into the i region under high forward bias was used to attenuate the guided mode intensity.

33. Butyrate supplementation has also been shown to attenuate diet-induced fatty liver disease in mice by improving gut barrier function and correcting microbial

34. Results Gantaikang could effectively counteract the increase of HA, LN and PCIII level in serum, and attenuate hepatic collagen and reticulin proliferation induced by porcine serum in rats.

35. According to the invention, the slideways are subject to loss and attenuate the transmitted signal whereby eliminating the need for additional terminating resistors on the slideways.

36. Attenuate is a verb that means to make or become weaker. The effects of aging may be Attenuated by exercise — or by drinking from the fountain of youth

37. THE MANUAL OF THE BOTANY OF THE NORTHERN UNITED STATES ASA GRAY Involucre globular; the imbricated scales coriaceous and Appressed at base, attenuate to long stiff points with hooked tips

38. This paper is focused on a shunt active filter based on detection of harmonic voltage to attenuate harmonic propagation in a power distribution network and its installation site selection.

39. Converting beech Coppices into high forest stands has been promoted in the last decades as a management goal to attenuate the negative effects that frequent clearcutting may have on soil, landscape, and biodiversity conservation

40. Therefore, the Special Rapporteur concludes that specific attention must be paid to legislation that serves to attenuate and abrogate rights guaranteed by the five international instruments to which the Islamic Republic of Iran is a party.

41. Attenuated Allergic Responses to House Dust Mite Antigen in Feed-Restricted Rats "The question is, if you continue to attenuate [the virus], do you really have a vaccine, or is the virus too weak?" asks Ruth I

42. The jewel beetle, Melanophila Acuminate, is a living fire detector. In place of these, we analyzed timing of anthesis, presence or absence of seed wings and pistillate racemes, and prevalence of Acuminate leaf apices and attenuate leaf bases.

43. We hypothesized that soy isoflavones would attenuate the anticipated increase in Androidal fat mass in postmenopausal women during the 36-month treatment, and thereby favorably modify the circulating cardiometabolic risk factors: triacylglycerol, LDLC, HDL-C, glucose, insulin, uric acid, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and homocysteine

44. Were we to be able to identify this condition at an earlier point, and intervene and treat -- I can tell you, this has been probably something that has changed my life in the past 10 years, this notion that we can absolutely attenuate this condition.

45. ‘The complex Biogeochemical transformations that occur in wetlands have the ability to attenuate contaminants in runoff waters coming from a variety of human activities.’ ‘The overall bacterial processing of iron is thought to play a substantial role in the Biogeochemical cycling of iron in the ocean.’

46. We hypothesized that soy isoflavones would attenuate the anticipated increase in Androidal fat mass in postmenopausal women during the 36-month treatment, and thereby favorably modify the circulating cardiometabolic risk factors: triacylglycerol, LDL-C, HDL-C, glucose, insulin, uric acid, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and homocysteine

47. Crassly first in first out commotion floor Tournai authority, founded on injustice, does not remain perpetual (Seneca) help shop sign business internationalization vaporization, vaporisation haircloth, haircloth garment, type of haircloth undergarment; kind of haircloth garment worn by monks in the past attenuate accumulation in return for

48. In particular, the EMI shielding adhesive film can be reliably applied to one or both sides of a FPCB where high flexibility, high adhesive strength, high heat resistance, and the like are required, and can effectively attenuate various kinds of electromagnetic waves generated in circuit boards.

49. Systems that attenuate underwater noise at frequencies below 500 Hz and consist of compound acoustic mounts for the acoustic isolation of diesel engines, diesel generator sets, gas turbines, gas turbine generator sets, propulsion motors or propulsion reduction gears, specially designed for sound or vibration isolation, having an intermediate mass exceeding 30 % of the equipment to be mounted;

50. a. systems that attenuate underwater noise at frequencies below 500 Hz and consist of compound acoustic mounts for the acoustic isolation of diesel engines, diesel generator sets, gas turbines, gas turbine generator sets, propulsion motors or propulsion reduction gears, specially designed for sound or vibration isolation, having an intermediate mass exceeding 30 % of the equipment to be mounted;