astron. in Vietnamese

  1. viết tắt của astronomer
    2. viết tắt của astronomical
    3. viết tắt của astronomy

Sentence patterns related to "astron."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "astron." from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "astron.", or refer to the context using the word "astron." in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Erratum: ``Two-mirror Schwarzschild Aplanats: Basic relations'' [Astron

2. The Astrolabe (Greek: ἀστρολάβος astrolabos, from astron (star) and lambanein (to take), i.e

3. 23 The satellite, called Astron, is intended to study ultraviolet radiation and X-rays from celestial objects.

4. 17 The satellite, called Astron, is intended to study ultraviolet radiation and X-rays from celestial objects.

5. Norwich Sun (Newspaper) - August 26, 1960, Norwich, New YorkTHE NORWICH SUN 5 Friday, August 26, 1960 Astron Aulical Calendar FAIR PRIZE WINNING PONY WEATHER Generally fair with rising humidity and temperatures through Sunday with a chance of widely scattered thundershowers Sunday afternoon or evening.

6. A maior parte dos Asteroides coñecidos xiran no espazo nunha agrupación coñecida polo nome de Cinto de Asteroides, que se atopa entre Marte e Xúpiter.Este cinto está a unha distancia do Sol comprendida entre 2 e 3,5 unidades astronómicas (UA)

7. Apside (em grego: ἁψίς; plural Apsides, grego: ἁψῖδες) é um ponto extremo na órbita de um objeto astronômico.Em suma, é o ponto extremo da órbita do eixo maior da elipse, em que um planeta ou satélite se acha mais perto ou mais longe do centro

8. アストロサイト(Astrocyte)は、中枢神経系に存在するグリア細胞の1つ。 astronギリシア語で星、cyteはギリシア語で細胞という意味に由来する。アストログリア(astroglia)とも言う。星状膠細胞という日本語訳もある。多くの染色法(抗GFAP 免疫染色など)では星型の形態を示すことから