appropriated in Vietnamese

tính từ
(+to, for) thích hợp, thích đáng

ngoại động từ
1. chiếm hữu, chiếm đoạt (làm của riêng)
2. appropriate sth for sth dành riêng (để dùng vào việc gì)

Sentence patterns related to "appropriated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "appropriated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "appropriated", or refer to the context using the word "appropriated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Appropriated from United Nations Special Account

2. Appropriated; Confiscated; seized; taken over; confiscate; condemned

3. Effectively, social purity had been politically appropriated.

4. The legislature appropriated funds for the university.

5. All these are appropriated, assimilated and interwoven with Andrewes' own prayers.

6. He has appropriated his country's natural resources as his personal property.

7. Manage funds appropriated from the Federal Accommodations and Holdings Service Line (FAHSL).

8. In it, the Togorian bounty hunter in appropriated armor kidnaps Princess Leia.

9. 18 The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.

10. Sherman’s veterans appropriated the belittling title Bummer as a point of personal pride

11. Shelbi mastodon well-appropriated outtalks opined debating diphtheritic Alymphia Ladakhi thermostat's ginseng Lemoyne

12. I see that the director has appropriated the best office to his own use.

13. The impersonal ego is the assimilated or appropriated values of our culture--the Confucian true self

14. The word “bayou” comes from the Choctaw bayuk, which French settlers in Louisiana appropriated as Bayouque

15. These two catch phrases would later be appropriated by the marketers charged with selling the Macintosh.

16. The word “ bayou ” comes from the Choctaw bayuk, which French settlers in Louisiana appropriated as Bayouque

17. In 1175 he appropriated the estates of the late Earl of Cornwall and gave them to John.

Năm 1175 ông chiếm đoạt lãnh địa của Bá tước Cornwall và trao nó cho John.

18. Apportioned: adjective administered, allocated , allotted, appropriated , assigned , carved up, dealt, distributed , divided , divvied up, doled out, parceled out

19. Having internalized, or appropriated, what is culturally available, men can then externalize and construct different sorts of meaning.

20. First, goods complying with the contract must be unconditionally appropriated to the contract by one of the parties.

21. And bringing down the deficit by spending cuts alone, particularly cuts in annually appropriated domestic spending, is, well, Arithmetically challenging

22. 13 She appropriated slapstick and hyperbole to the delicious purpose of lampooning the fathead who made her life miserable.

23. We need further research on the global footprint of Agentively used (as opposed to merely appropriated) knowledge traditions from the Africa

24. The law Applies to all purchases over the simplified acquisition threshold using funds either appropriated for DoD or otherwise made available to it

25. 6 She wore a long skirt and a baggy maroon V-neck sweater, one of mine she had appropriated and almost worn out.

26. All these uses have passed away, and most of the Belfries have either fallen into neglect or been appropriated to other purposes

27. She wore a long skirt and a baggy maroon V-neck sweater, one of mine she had appropriated and almost worn out.

28. Defines the scope of the act to funds appropriated for and activities occurring during the 2019-21 fiscal Biennium unless clearly indicated otherwise

29. Revered for years by persnickety consumers who like to screen their telephone calls, the premium service is now being appropriated by identity thieves.

30. Marx acknowledged that surplus labour may not just be appropriated directly in production by the owners of the enterprise, but also in trade.

Marx đã thừa nhận rằng lao động thặng dư có thể không chỉ bị chiếm đoạt trực tiếp trong sản xuất bởi những người chủ xí nghiệp, mà còn trong trao đổi buôn bán.

31. Since Marx believed that profit derived from surplus value appropriated from labour, he concluded that the rate of profit would fall as the economy grows.

Bởi Marx tin rằng giá trị thặng dư bị chiếm đoạt từ lao động là nguồn gốc của lợi nhuận, ông kết luận rằng tỷ suất lợi nhuận phải giảm thậm chí khi nền kinh tế tăng trưởng.

32. A "future Biennia" amount is an estimate of what 19 may be appropriated for the project or program in the 2021-2023

33. Such symbolism was appropriated by Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq for their Lion of Babylon tank, with the technology adapted from a Russian model.

34. Assistantships funded by non-State appropriated funds include a stipend and tuition waiver that adhere to policy, with all associated costs paid by the funding source

35. Bookwork surveys and illustrates a stunning variety of appropriated and fabricated books alike, ranging from hacksawed discards to the giant lead folios of Anselm Kiefer

36. Bookwork surveys and illustrates a stunning variety of appropriated and fabricated books alike, ranging from hacksawed discards to the giant lead folios of Anselm Kiefer

37. As a result, the funds that had been appropriated for the Navy in 1906 were going to be used up before they were scheduled to be replenished in 1911.

Hậu quả là ngân sách cân đối cho Hải quân vào năm 1906 đã được sử dụng hết trước khi được bổ sung trở lại vào năm 1911.

38. The Bluffer's Guides are a collection of humorous pocket-sized guidebooks, written by experts and offering readers the opportunity to pass off appropriated knowledge as their own on a variety of subjects

39. The Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD) is a private, nonprofit organization representing the 84 state appropriated and 3 tribal Conservation districts across the state and individual members carrying out important Conservation work.

40. Allowable/Non-Allowable Expenses by Fund Type Source Allowable Expenditures • All state appropriated Allowable expenditures • Awards, including employee cash awards • Food, beverages, and related expense • Flowers, flower arrangements, and plants • Holiday cards - mail or purchase

41. While native speakering discourses remained in claims of ownership over English, reflections on counter‐discourses and their connection to local teaching practices were Agentively appropriated by NNES teacher candidates as they claimed legitimacy as teachers.

42. For example, due to the Green Revolution and the fact that more and more land is appropriated each year from wild lands for agricultural purposes, the worldwide production of food had steadily increased up until 1995.

Ví dụ, nhờ cuộc Cách mạng xanh và thực tế rằng ngày càng có nhiều đất được chuyển từ đất hoang sang đất canh tác, sản xuất lương thực trên toàn thế giới đã tăng vững chắc cho tới tận năm 1995.

43. Starting in 1914, in an effort to protect elk populations, the U.S. Congress appropriated funds to be used for the purposes of "destroying wolves, prairie dogs, and other animals injurious to agriculture and animal husbandry" on public lands.

Bắt đầu từ năm 1914, trong cố gắng nhằm bảo vệ quần thể nai sừng tấm, Quốc hội Hoa Kỳ đã cho lập quỹ để sử dụng vào mục đích "tiêu diệt chó sói, chó đồng cỏ và các động vật khác gây tổn hại cho nông nghiệp và gia súc" trên các vùng đất công.

44. A "future Biennia" amount is an estimate of what 23 may be appropriated for the project or program in the 2023-2025 24 biennium and the following three Biennia; an amount of zero does not

45. On Ancestros, his debut on the vinyl-only subscription label Newvelle, he has contributed seven original compositions to a collection that includes covers from Andrew Hill and Paul Motian.The album name—and its title track—are appropriated from Mela's prior …

46. His tenure was not altogether successful, partly because he was deceived by his ally, the Duke of Marlborough, into a diversionary attack, and partly because Emperor Joseph I appropriated the funds necessary for George's campaign for his own use.

Chiến dịch của ông đã không hoàn toàn thành công, một phần vì ông đã bị đồng minh của mình, công tước Marlborough lừa dối vào một cuộc tấn công nghi binh, và một phần vì Hoàng đế Joseph I chiếm đoạt số tiền quân phí dành cho George để sử dụng vào việc riêng của mình.

47. ‘Kafka wrongly gets posited as a political or humanitarian Allegorist, when his stories are rather personal series of images and processes that cannot be conclusively unlocked.’ ‘Allegorical imagery is appropriated imagery; the Allegorist does not invent images but confiscates them.’

48. Approve (third-person singular simple present Approves, present participle approving, simple past and past participle Approved) ( transitive , law , English law ) To make profit of; to convert to one's own profit — said especially of waste or common land appropriated by the lord of the manor.

49. ETA's appropriated Budget for fiscal year 2014 Quarterly State WIOA Spending Summaries The Department posts expenditure data on each of the three Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act block grants (Adult, Youth, and Dislocated Worker) for each quarter beginning in Program Year (PY) 2015.

50. ‘It Covertly but actively supported the political elite.’ ‘It Covertly gathers user information and activity without the user's knowledge.’ ‘Pressing a button on the back of the device enables a worker to Covertly raise an alarm.’ ‘Slaves also Covertly appropriated food from their masters ' gardens and kitchens.’