applied voltage in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "applied voltage"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "applied voltage" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "applied voltage", or refer to the context using the word "applied voltage" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Appliedly applier appliers applies Applies font applied voltage

2. The Capacitance at the depletion region changes with the change in applied voltage

3. Thereby, in the absence of an applied voltage, light traverses the cell without effect upon its polarization.

4. Thereby, in the presence of perpendicularly aligned polarizers on the exteriors of the cell, the cell is dark in the absence of an applied voltage and becomes bright when a voltage is applied.

5. ‘Avalanching electrons bombard the surface.’ ‘The Avalanching electrons, in turn, intensify the ionization immediately surrounding the wire.’ ‘When they reach the tip, the Avalanching electrons cancel the positive charge there.’ ‘The Avalanching electrons move toward the anode, causing the applied voltage to collapse in

6. By cycling the applied voltage between the bulk deposition potential for the mediating element and the material to be deposited, repeated desorption/adsorption of the mediating element during each potential cycle can be used to precisely control film growth on a layer-by-layer basis.

7. Actuating solenoid that triggers a periodic back and forth movement via the effect of a magnetic field created by the excitation winding in a spring-mass system featuring an oscillating frequency, which is generally related to a fixed proportion of the frequency to the applied voltage.

8. The control electronics (8) control the transmission (T) of the eye protector glass (3) such that, in bright surroundings, the eye protector glass (3) is darkened with no or very little electricity use and absolutely without flickering, while said glass is cleared in dim surroundings with applied voltage.