apogamy in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "apogamy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "apogamy" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "apogamy", or refer to the context using the word "apogamy" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 6 words related to Apomixis: apogamy, agamogenesis, asexual reproduction, parthenocarpy, parthenogenesis, parthenogeny

2. The concept of antipodal embryo and the relationship of antipodal apogamy with endosperm are discussed.

3. Apomixis definition is - reproduction (such as apogamy or parthenogenesis) involving specialized generative tissues but not dependent on fertilization.

4. Apomixis, reproduction by special generative tissues without fertilization. It includes parthenogenesis in animals, in which the new individual develops from the unfertilized egg, and apogamy in certain plants, in which the generative tissue may be the sporophyte or the gametophyte

5. A) Cleistogamy B) Apogamy C) Xenogamy D) Geitonogamy Answer:D) Geitonogamy Explanation: Geitonogamy refers to the transfer of pollen from one flower to another flower of the same plant.It requires a pollinating agent but as the flowers are genetically the same, it is similar to Autogamy

6. Apodedeipna\p apodeictically\v apodeipnon\N apodemal\A apodema\N apodeme\N apodictically\v apodictic\A apodoses\p apodosis\N apodous\A apoenzyme\N apoferritin\N apogamically\v apogamic\A apogamously\v apogamous\A apogamy\N apogeal\A apogee\N apogeotropically\v apogeotropic\A apogeotropism\N apographical\A apographic\A