anticlinal in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(địa lý, địa chất) (thuộc) nếp lồi

Sentence patterns related to "anticlinal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "anticlinal" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "anticlinal", or refer to the context using the word "anticlinal" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Anticlimactical (current term) Anticlimactically anticlimax anticlimaxes anticlimb anticlinal: anticlinals anticline anticlined anticlines anticling anticlinoria anticlinorium anticlinoriums anticlockwise

2. Coaly shales of Late Cretaceous through Eocene age are the source rocks for oil and gas that accumulated predominantly in anticlinal traps.

3. Anticlinal structures that include some landward-verging reverse faults (referred to as Antithetic) are produced, with create the tectonic ridges that you can see in the bathymetric map in Figs

4. Cytokinin signaling in the procambium up-regulates expression of PINs, a family of auxin efflux carriers, and promotes their distribution in the plasma membrane from anticlinal to periclinal

5. Just before abscission of the branches, a special layer is formed in the middle region of the abscission zone through numerous anticlinal cell divisions. The branch is separated along the outer part of this abscission layer.

6. Anticlassicalist\NA anticlassically\v anticlassicalness\N anticlassical\A anticlassicism\N anticlassicist\NA anticlastic\A anticlergy\A anticlericalism\N anticlericalist\N anticlerical\AN anticlimactically\v anticlimactic\A anticlimax\N anticlinal\A anticline\N anticlinorium\N anticlnoria\p anticlockwise\vA

7. An Anticline is a structural trap formed by the folding of rock strata into an arch-like shape. The rock layers in an anticlinal trap were originally laid down horizontally and then earth movement caused it to fold into an arch-like shape called an Anticline.