antennal sclerite in Vietnamese

mảnh cứng ante

Sentence patterns related to "antennal sclerite"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "antennal sclerite" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "antennal sclerite", or refer to the context using the word "antennal sclerite" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Antemundane, antemural, Antenarial, antenatal, antenatalitial, antenati, antenave, antenna, antennae, antennal

2. Approximator has tufts only on the 3rd antennal segment, while A

3. Antennal club strongly flattened, with two sutures on the anterior face Bisinuate or procurved (curved forward)

4. At the same time the amplitude of the antennal vibration decreases within the range of physiological frequencies (Abb.

5. O Antennal club strongly flattened, with two sutures on the anterior face Bisinuate or procurved (curved forward)

6. Paired aglomerular (mechanosensory) regions and paired glomerular (antennal) lobes, which are organized into nine islets, occur in the deutocerebrum.

7. Hypocryphalus can be distinguished from Cryphalus Erichson by the 5-segmented antennal funicle, the 3 procurved to nearly Bisinuate sutures of its sub circular club, and by the equally wide tarsomeres.

8. Margin Bisinuate; epistome provided with blunt and nearly rectangular, latero-posterior corners; lateral margins sharply separated from antennal depressions; epistosomal sensilla arranged almost linearly above the middle of epistomal length, close to a sclerotized

9. Coupling of the pairs is effected by attaching the hook of the aedeagus under a sclerite of the female genital chamber, hooking toothed plates into pits of the genital chamber, and by spines on the endophallus diverticles.

10. The order is divided into four suborders (Ischnocera, Amblycera, Rhynchophthirina, and Anoplura) distinguishable from one another by the size of the head, the shape of the third antennal segment, and the presence or absence of maxillary palps.

11. Bisinuate-with two incisions Emarginate-cut out along margin Epistomal canthus-a chitinous process more or less completely dividing the eyes into an upper and lower half Epistomal sinuation-wavy or undulating oral margin or sclerite directly behind the labrum (upper lip)

12. Closely related to Hemiptera and Psocoptera ; The order is divided into four suborders (Ischnocera, Amblycera, Rhynchophthirina, and Anoplura) distinguishable from one another by the size of the head, the shape of the third antennal segment, and the presence or absence of maxillary palps.

13. They described briefly the anterior margin of the sternum and the prosternal process, and use the term "closed Coxal cavity" when the prothoracic sclerites expand behind the coxae, and "open Coxal cavity" when the sclerite that closes behind the prothoracic Coxal cavity is the mesothorax.

14. The placement of Palaeohelota, the first compression fossil specimen attributed to the family Helotidae is well established based on the distinct postocular constriction, 11-segmented antennae with a distinct, compact, 3-segmented antennal club, the pronotum with a Bisinuate posterior margin and widely separated metacoxal cavities

15. Other articles where Booklouse is discussed: insect: Annotated classification: Order Psocoptera (booklice or psocids) Small or minute insects with long filiform antennae, delicate membranous wings (though many are wingless), head with Y-shaped epicranial suture, enlarged post-clypeus (sclerite on the face); maxilla with a rodlike lacinia (inner lobe) partly sunk into head capsule; labial palps

16. Ø Thoracic and abdominal appendages are Biramous Ø First pair of antennae (antennules) are uniramous Ø Respiration through gills Ø Excretion by green glands or antennal glands Ø Sense organs: antennae, statocysts and eyes Ø Eyes are compound Ø Paired gonopores Ø Development usually indirect (direct forms also present)

17. Bisinuate-with two incisions Carinate-keeled or having raised lines Convex-curved or rounded outward Elytra-the forewings of beetles Frons-the upper anterior portion of the head capsule, usually a distinct sclerite (any plate on the body wall) between the epicranium (upper part of the head) and clypeus (part of head below the frons)

18. Antennal flagellum strongly Crenulate on posterior surface, with deep concavity between flagellomeres; mandible not distinctly broad apically; posterior hypostomal carina unmodified, without a tooth; protibial spur with apex of rachis very short (less than one-third of malus length), with less than five elongate branches (not including apical portion of rachis); S3-S5 with distal margins

19. Antennal flagellum weakly Crenulate on posterior surface, without deep concavity between flagellomeres; mandible distinctly broad apically; posterior hypostomal carina with strong tooth; protibial spur with apex long, about three-fourths of malus length, with a distinct row of 10 elongate branches (not including apical portion of rachis); S3-S4 with distal margins gently convex; S5 with