annual product in Vietnamese

sản lượng hằng năm

Sentence patterns related to "annual product"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "annual product" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "annual product", or refer to the context using the word "annual product" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Annual inspection of product receipt documentation

2. Now available! 2021 ASTRO Annual Refresher onDemand Product

3. The world annual Gross Domestic Product is about $65 trillion.

Tổng sản phẩm quốc nội (GDP) thế giới hàng năm là khoảng 65 nghìn tỷ USD.

4. Fishing in India contributed over 1 percent of India's annual gross domestic product in 2008.

5. Scheduled, co-ordinated annual budget bids from business lines following an agreed product upgrade path

6. With an annual production of 6 million tonnes, the decahydrate is a major commodity chemical product.

Với sản lượng sản xuất hàng năm lên đến 6 triệu tấn, nó là một sản phẩm toàn cầu quan trọng về hóa chất.

7. Details a monthly or annual payment plan that bundles a communications service contract with a wireless product

Các chi tiết gói thanh toán hàng tháng hoặc hàng năm kèm theo hợp đồng dịch vụ truyền thông với một sản phẩm không dây

8. The total annual cost is A$27 billion, which represents 2.7 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product.

9. Debts owed during this same period amounted to $145.8 trillion, about 8.5 times the annual gross domestic product.

Tổng nghĩa vụ nợ trong suốt thời kỳ này là 145,8 nghìn tỷ đô la, bằng 8,5 lần GDP.

10. The annual fees cover a portion of costs related to TPP's medical device product post-market monitoring activities.

11. All in all, the annual growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) through to the early 1980s averaged 6.1%.

Tăng trưởng tổng sản phẩm nội địa (GDP) cho đến đầu thập niên 1980 đạt trung bình 6,1%.

12. Economists might base their predictions of the annual gross national product, or GNP, on the final consumption spending within the economy.

13. Annual definition: Annual events happen once every year

14. Using the current volume of 18 trains per day and the actual average annual daily traffic, a cross product of 45,000 is obtained.

15. Natural hazards have resulted in average annual economic losses estimated between 1 and 1.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) between 1989 and 2008.

Thiên tai gây ra thiệt hại kinh tế trung bình hàng năm ước khoảng 1 – 1,5% GDP trong giai đoạn 1989 – 2008.

16. 24 The annual output of the aquatic product reaches 2000 tons including sea cucumber, prawn, clam, sea worm, oyster, conch, crab, Spanish mackerel, jellyfish etc.

17. Airbuds Product Line 1 Airbuds Product 1 Airbuds Product 2 Airbuds Product 3 Airbuds Product 4 Airbuds Product Line 2 Airbuds Product 1 Airbuds Product 2

18. Gross Annual income is your earnings before tax, while net Annual

19. Aviation Liability Coverage is provided up to a limit of €2 billion per loss, with an annual aggregate cap of €2 billion for product liability claims.

20. During the decade of the 1960’s one South American nation increased its Gross National Product by an overall per-person annual average of 3.1 percent.

21. Annual recurring revenue (Arr), sometimes referred to as annual run rate, is the normalized annual revenue from your existing subscriptions

22. Health Checkup Also called: Annual Checkup, Annual physical examination, Routine physical examination

23. Under their administration, China's economic performance pulled an estimated 150 million peasants out of poverty and sustained an average annual gross domestic product growth rate of 11.2%.

Trong thời gian họ cầm quyền, thành tích kinh tế của Trung Quốc đưa khoảng 150 triệu nông dân thoát khỏi bần cùng và duy trì tăng trưởng tổng sản phẩm quốc nội bình quân năm là 11,2%.

24. Annual definition, of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly: Annual salary

25. In contrast to fees, the ABS has found it difficult to obtain good estimates of annual household expenditure on indirect taxes by individual deposit and loan product