anatrepsis in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(sinh học) kỳ tăng phôi động

Sentence patterns related to "anatrepsis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "anatrepsis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "anatrepsis", or refer to the context using the word "anatrepsis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. During anatrepsis of the germ band the volume of the symbiont mass increases considerably.

2. The anatrepsis movements of the cricket germ band were analyzedi by timelapse micrography and by mechanical manipulation of the egg system.

3. If the germ band is cut transversely during anatrepsis, only the part embodying the posterior end of germ band is able to continue movement.

4. The first phase of anatrepsis is characterized by 7–9 slow peristaltic waves passing within the yolk system towards the posterior egg pole (velocity 26–42 μm/min).

5. In the second phase of anatrepsis, the posterior end of the germ band steadily (1.2 μm/ min) moves along the dorsal midline towards the anterior egg pole, thereby pushing its way in between yolk system and serosa.

6. The results indicate that in the cricket egg anatrepsis of the germ band is not, as demonstrated in some other insects, due to pulling forces exerted by the yolk system, but rather appears to be caused by active locomotion of the posterior end of the germ band.