amyloplasts in Vietnamese

danh từ
(sinh vật học) lạp thể tạo bột; hạt tạo bột, thể tạo bột; túi chứa bột

Sentence patterns related to "amyloplasts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "amyloplasts" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "amyloplasts", or refer to the context using the word "amyloplasts" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Amyloplasts are common in storage organs, e . g . the potato tuber.

2. In contrast size and number of amyloplasts succesively decrease. Chloroplasts are not to be found.

3. The groundplasm is restricted to a thin coat surrounding nucleus, mitochondria, amyloplasts and aleuron between the lipid vacuoles.

4. Anoxic rice Coleoptiles contain amyloplasts with low starch content (Perata and Alpi, 1993), a likely consequence of active starch degradation

5. These two phosphorylases could be separated by means of ammonium sulfate fractionation. Both the slower migrating phosphorylases from spinach and from beans, but not the fast one from beans, could be adsorbed on amyloplasts. This process takes place only when the amyloplasts are suspended in a salt medium.

6. The addition of ADP or ATP to the reaction mixture had no influence on the synthesizing activity of the slow phosphorylases when they were tested with soluble amylopectin as a primer or while they were adsorbed on amyloplasts.

7. The cells of the mesophyll-like parenchyma tissue are distinguished by a great range of variation of their plastids (chloroplasts — chloroamyloplastsamyloplasts) and some special cytological features such as a strongly developed rough ER, big nuclei, and numerous plasmodesmata (TEM).