amygdalitis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "amygdalitis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "amygdalitis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "amygdalitis", or refer to the context using the word "amygdalitis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. , Aluminosis, amygdalitis, anthracosilicosis, anthracosis, asbestosis, asthma, atypical pneumonia, Bituminosis, black lung asbestosis and silicosis.

2. Amarthritis amnionitis amniotitis same as amnionitis ampullitis amygdalitis also called tonsillitis anconitis angiitis same as vasculitis angiocarditis angiocholecystitis (Rare) angiocholitis same as cholangitis angiodermatitis angioleucitis or angioleukitis annexitis same as adnexitis

3. Adenoiditis - amygdalitis - anthracosis - Bituminosis - dry pleurisy - haemorrhage - hong kong flu - hypotension - indigestion - pharyngitis - tachycardia - the sniffles - the snuffles - wet pleurisy 12 letter words asphyxiation - constipation - fibrillation - hypertension - inflammation - pneumothorax - skin eruption - upset stomach 13 letter

4. Adenoiditis - amygdalitis - anthracosis - Bituminosis - brucellosis - dengue fever - dry pleurisy - dumdum fever - famine fever - hong kong flu - hydrophobia - parrot fever - pharyngitis - psittacosis - rabbit fever - strep throat - the sniffles - the snuffles - trench fever - trench mouth - typhus fever - wet pleurisy - …