amount irrigation in Vietnamese

danh từ
mức nước tưới (đất, ruộng)

Sentence patterns related to "amount irrigation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "amount irrigation" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "amount irrigation", or refer to the context using the word "amount irrigation" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The new wording allows growers to tailor irrigation to the amount of water that the crop actually needs.

2. Irrigation Controllers are sometimes called irrigation timers

3. Never try irrigation irrigation if ear drum eardrum is broken.

4. Never try irrigation irrigation if the ear eardrum is broken.

5. Barmann Landscape & Irrigation

6. What kind of irrigation...?

Thiết kế hệ thống tưới tiêu thế nào vậy...?

7. Conduit for irrigation use

8. Fertile land is the state's most important natural resource, and efforts have been made to increase the amount of arable land through irrigation projects.

Đất đai màu mỡ là nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên quan trọng nhất của tiểu bang, và những nỗ lực đã được thực hiện để tăng số lượng đất canh tác thông qua các dự án thủy lợi.

9. Subjects Keywords Corrugation irrigation

10. Astilbe require frequent irrigation

11. The net Consumptive irrigation requirement corrected for conveyance and application losses is the irrigation diversion requirement

12. But the desalinization through irrigation to improve saline and alkaline land would consume a great amount of water, 6 times as much as through biological methods.

13. The government authorized an irrigation project.

14. Irrigation is important for farming.

15. An irrigation control centre controls the irrigation valves (182) and collects information from the accumulator (10).

16. Another machine pumps water for irrigation.

Một cái máy khác bơm nước để tưới tiêu.

17. UP Participatory Irrigation Management Act passed

18. The irrigation equipment is still there.

Các thiết bị thuỷ lợi vẫn còn đó.

19. The irrigation system only pumps at...

Hệ thống tưới chỉ bơm lúc...

20. But drip irrigation isn't the only innovation.

Hệ thống tưới tiêu từng giọt không chỉ là 1 sáng kiến.

21. + Nam Thanh Han Irrigation Improvement Project - ADB

+ Dự án Cải tiến hệ thống tưới tiêu Nam Thanh Han của Ngân hàng Phát triển Châu Á

22. Never try irrigation if eardrum is borkenbroken.

23. (8) operation of irrigation and drainage equipment;

24. • Lack of support for development of knowledge/tools for improved water management (e.g. irrigation efficiency and alternative irrigation technologies);

25. The irrigation systems of Tajikistan cover 737,700 ha of land, of which 300,000 ha are zones of machine irrigation.

Các hệ thống thủy lợi của Tajikistan bao gồm 737.700 ha đất, trong đó 300.000 ha là khu vực tưới tiêu máy.