amenorrhoea in Vietnamese

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như amenorrhea

Sentence patterns related to "amenorrhoea"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "amenorrhoea" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "amenorrhoea", or refer to the context using the word "amenorrhoea" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Amenorrhoea, irregular menstruation

2. Young sportswoman , in the amenorrhoea that appears in sports match or nervous training course, call " motility amenorrhoea " .

3. Natural economy is an amenorrhoea aid.

4. How does abrupt sex amenorrhoea do the friend?

5. Girls with primary amenorrhoea were excluded (n = 219).

6. Primary amenorrhoea – the initial absence of the menstruation; secondary amenorrhoea – the absence of the menstruation at least for the last six month.

7. Abnormal ejaculation, amenorrhoea, breast enlargement, gynecomastia, impotence, menorrhagia

8. amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea, erectile dysfunction, gynaecomastia, breast discharge, menstruation irregular

9. The main complaints were irregular bleeding , amenorrhoea and prolonged bleeding.

10. Some people because this can abrupt temporary amenorrhoea, also exist.

11. Amenorrhoea, Breast mass, Cervical dysplasia, Hypomenorrhoea, Menometrorrhagia, Oligomenorrhoea, Suppressed lactation

12. The development of exercise-induced amenorrhoea (“athletic amenorrhoea”) frequently is an adaption to pathological eating behaviours with calorie deficiency, underweight and – at worst – anorexia, so-called “anorexia athletica”.

13. Increased disturbances of menstruation like amenorrhoea (17 %) or hypermenorrhoea has been observed.

14. Osteoporosis of the spine, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and amenorrhoea may be associated.

15. This is abnormal. Fast amenorrhoea condition. You must go to special hospital looking.

16. In adult women the menstrual cycle can be disrupted resulting in secondary amenorrhoea.

17. How does functional sex amenorrhoea use treatment of injection of corpus luteum ketone?

18. Reproductive system and breast disorders Amenorrhoea was observed to be ongoing at the median follow-up time of # months in # patients out of the # patients with amenorrhoea at the end of the chemotherapy

19. In women irregularities of the menstrual cycle and amenorrhoea with subsequent oestrogen deficiency are frequent.

20. Menstruation is very much, alvine also meet with the waist painful. I just 19 oh amenorrhoea?

21. It is formed at 19 century end, the mode that amenorrhoea aid with is a foundation.

22. In seven women with a history of amenorrhoea or anovulatory cycles 5 mg EB i.m. was given.

23. Some users may experience amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea after discontinuing hormonal contraception, especially when such a condition was pre-existent

24. Such amenorrhoea is associated with bone loss, and this can be prevented by the judicious use of cyclical hormones.

25. In another case with secondary hypogonadotropic amenorrhoea a continuous increase of gonadotropin excretion was seen during the long-term MRL-41 treatment.

26. Discussion: Secondary amenorrhoea defined as loss of menstrual cycles for 3 to 6 months in an adolescent must be carefully evaluated.

27. Cytogenetic investigations in patients with primary amenorrhoea revealed two cases with a structural chromosome mosaic. Chromosome analysis was done in leukocyte cultures of peripheral blood.

28. However, they can be present in cases of primary amenorrhoea, virilization of a girl at pubertal age or even in cases of an abdominal tumor (dysgerminoma).

29. As high rates of amenorrhoea may occur following chemotherapy, as high as 40% in the case of CMF, different methods of maintaining fertility after chemotherapy and the associated problems will be discussed.

30. When the differentiation of gonadotrophin deficiency from other causes of ‘hypothalamic amenorrhoea’ is in doubt, a Clomifene test (3 mg/kg, maximum 200 mg, daily for seven days) may give additional information

31. Clinical symptoms are eating disorders (ratio of women to men 10:1), amenorrhoea and osteoporosis or stress fractures. Physical activity with proper nutrition provides a healthy balance for both the endocrine system and bone structure.

32. Before puberty a delay in sexual maturity (in particular delayed menarche) and after menarche oligomenorrhoea or secondary amenorrhoea may result, most frequently in aerobic-type activities associated with lower body weight such as running, aerobics and gymnastics.

33. Medicaments for the treatment of growth disorders, haematological disorders, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, cancer and conditions associated with cancer, acromegaly, anaemia, neutropenia, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, hepatitis and conditions associated with malnutrition, such as immune deficiency, tuberculosis, secondary amenorrhoea and/or infertility

34. Data on cycle control should be recorded and presented in such a manner that the incidence and severity of menstrual irregularity, spotting, breakthrough bleeding and amenorrhoea are clear, and so that any variation therein between individuals or over a period of time can be discerned.

35. 4.2.3 Bigorexia and orthorexia 74 4.2.4 Eating disorders not otherwise specifi ed (EDNOS) 78 4.3 Methods for diagnosing eating disorders in sport 79 4.3.1 Interviews 79 Weight-control methods 80 Motivation to lose weight 81 Exercise amenorrhoea 82 4.3.2 The assessment of body weight: anthropometrical indices 82

36. There are described (1) a seedling gonadoblastoma (gonocytoma III) in a girl of 19 with primary amenorrhoea, an XO/XY karyotype and dysgenetic ovaries: there were no testicular rudiments and the tumour made no connection with any other structure; (2) a large gonadoblastoma (gonocytoma II) in a chromatin positive girl of 16 with puberty menorrhagia, showing diverse interrelated patterns including dysgerminoma, fibroma, granulosal cell tumour and embryonal carcinoma; and (3) a seminoma in a normal man of 23 with 4 small foci of intratubular gonadoblastoma at the tumour margin.