ambulatorily in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. (thuộc) sự đi lại, dùng để đi lại
2. đi lại, đi chỗ này chỗ khác, di động không ở một chỗ
3. (y học) đi lại được không phải nằm (người bệnh)

danh từ
(số nhiều ambulatories)
lối đi trong nhà thờ hay tu việ

Sentence patterns related to "ambulatorily"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ambulatorily" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ambulatorily", or refer to the context using the word "ambulatorily" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. A considerable partion of the operations can be carried out ambulatorily.

2. A large share of diagnostics of sleep related breathing disorders can be carried out ambulatorily.

3. As preoperative diagnostics also could be completed ambulatorily, we were then able to establish a short-stay surgery department. This ward was opened in June 1996.

4. There are 267751 words (page 14) ambulated ambulates ambulating ambulation ambulations ambulator ambulatories ambulatorily ambulators ambulatory ambulette ambulettes ambuscade ambuscaded Ambuscader Ambuscaders ambuscades ambuscading ambuscado ambuscadoes ambuscados ambush ambushed ambusher ambushers ambushes ambushing …