alternated in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. xen kẽ, xen nhau, luân phiên nhau, thay phiên
to serve alternate shifts: làm luân phiên, làm theo ca kíp
on days: cứ hai ngày một lần, cứ cách ngày một lần
alternate function: (toán học) hàm thay phiên
2. (toán học) so le
alternate angle: góc so le
alternate exterior (interior) angle: góc so le ngoài (trong)

danh từ
(Mỹ) người thay phiên, người thay thế, người dự khuyết

động từ
alternate with sth; alternate between A and B
để xen nhau, xen kẽ, xen nhau; luân phiên, lần lượt kế tiếp nhau
to alternate between laughter and tears: khóc khóc cười cười

Sentence patterns related to "alternated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alternated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alternated", or refer to the context using the word "alternated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The color sequence can always be alternated.

2. She alternated between outrage and sympathy.

3. 4 She alternated between cheerfulness and deep despair.

4. Rainy days alternated with dry ones.

5. These two bills alternated over a five-night run.

6. She alternated between cheerfulness and deep despair.

7. He alternated between supporting me and opposing me.

8. Regular mealtimes should be alternated with periods of abstinence from eating.

9. Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.

10. The band alternated romantic love songs with bouncy dance numbers.

11. I alternated between living in a van and couch surfing with friends.

Tôi chuyển đổi giữa việc sống trong xe tải và ghế trường kỷ cùng lướt với bạn bè.

12. The valetudinarian alternated two hours of work with one hour of rest.

13. The two services were alternated over the course of subsequent visits.

14. Previously, the capital alternated between the cities of León and Granada.

Trước đó, thủ đô luân phiên nhau giữa León và Granada.

15. Speakers and athletes alternated between Putonghua and Cantonese as they Addressedthe crowd

16. Command of Operation Likofi officially alternated between Gen. Célestin Kanyama and Gen. Ngoy Sengelwa.

17. Continuous deposition of insulating material using multiple anodes alternated between positive and negative voltages

18. ‘she worked squaring the stacks so that they alternated, first lengthwise, then Breadthwise’

19. But his half-hour speech alternated rhetorical stick-waving with offers of conciliation.

20. Polymer matrix formed by polymeric walls alternated with empty channels and realization method

21. The early House Chaplains alternated duties with their Senate counterparts on a weekly basis

22. It is particularly ideal for artistic tourism alternated with long walks in the country.

23. The vault is richly decorated by fifteen medallions known as "Roman" (circular boxes alternated with square boxes).

24. Over the past weeks, Milosevic has alternated between repression and reconciliation, and this week was no exception.

25. When fungicidal sprays are used, products should be alternated to prevent the development of resistant strains.

26. Alternated forms such as the snub can also be represented by special markups within each system.

27. In stepwise swimming, the body angle alternated between steep (98 ± 13 (SD)) and more horizontal angles (51 ± 9°).

28. The first and second receptacles may be sized and configured so that their positions may be alternated.

29. Until the timetable change in 2015, Interregio-Express and RE trains alternated from Kreuzlingen or Konstanz to Karlsruhe.

30. Thermal waters, climatic and ski stations, trekking path are alternated with the local folklore, traditions and gastronomy.

31. All day Saturday, tensions ran high as the president alternated intense cabinet meetings with bouts of seclusion.

32. ★★★★☆ Richard Hawley’s elegant Orbison-esque soulful Balladries are alternated with moments of full-blown psychedelia

33. This appearance was directed by Gunther Schuller, and soprano Carmen Balthrop alternated with Kathleen Battle as the title character.

Sự xuất hiện này đã được đạo diễn bởi Gunther Schuller, và giọng nữ cao Carmen Balthrop xen kẽ với Kathleen Battle là nhân vật chính.

34. 24 The sealed tender system has, in the past, alternated with the occasional foray by the MoD into auctions.

35. According to the invention, the sensor comprises rows of photodiodes alternated with rows of gates adjacent the photodiodes.

36. Rosemary was frequently absent or tardy and alternated between verbally abusing her teachers and flat-out ignoring them.

37. In fact, Terry McGovern had been through treatment many times as she alternated between sobriety and binge drinking.

38. 29 Feedings with live and frozen brine shrimp should be alternated with chopped clams and shrimp and a good dried food mix.

39. This sequence arose from a shallow, oxygen-rich marine environment, in which reefs and basins alternated with one another.

40. The terraces were formed in glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediments by the Fraser River: degradation alternated with episodes of stability and aggradation.

41. The Amirship had traditionally alternated between the Jaber and Salem branches of the Al-Sabah family; however, this is merely an historical coincidence

42. During the passage to Hawaii, Anderson alternated with the other destroyers in standing plane guard duty for Enterprise and then serving as antisubmarine screen.

Trên đường đi Hawaii, Anderson luân phiên cùng các tàu khu trục khác trong nhiệm vụ canh phòng máy bay cho Enterprise và phục vụ hộ tống chống tàu ngầm.

43. Since the months evenly alternated between 30 and 31 days, adding the extra day to August meant that July, August, and September would all have 31 days.

44. Amaranthe has alternated among three lead singers with contrasting styles: Henrik Englund Wilhelmsson death-metal growl, Jake E.’s “clean” vocals, and Elize Ryd soaring soprano

45. The Amirship had traditionally alternated between the Jaber and Salem branches of the Al-Sabah family; however, some suggested this is merely an historical coincidence

46. Weary of political back-stabbing, he resigned in 1901, but remained as head of the Privy Council as the premiership alternated between Saionji Kinmochi and Katsura Tarō.

Lo lắng sẽ bị đâm sau lưng về mặt chính trị, ông từ chức vào năm 1901, nhưng vẫn giữ vai trò lãnh đạo Cơ mật viện khi chức thủ tướng luân phiên thay đổi giữa Saionji Kinmochi và Katsura Taro.

47. The one loop of a two-position sampling valve is used to sample an alkaline buffer-EDTA solution, alternated with water samples on the other loop.

48. The rooms are clean and bright, with soothing music playing, alternated with play time, nap time, and of course meal time! Catnaps is a family operation and we take pride in keeping our …

49. Both words stem from the Latin word Confidentem (meaning firmly trusting, bold, reliant, and daring) and is the present participle of confidere which means to have full trust or reliance–(con- alternated from com-, which is an intensive prefix and fidere meaning to …

50. The hours alternated with tap-dancing and the rooms resounded to the clatter of steel-bottomed shoes, while the dressing rooms were given over to tiny children getting themselves into satin pants and diamond-studded brassieres under the Admonishings of their hard-eyed mothers.