all-powerful in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "all-powerful"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "all-powerful" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "all-powerful", or refer to the context using the word "all-powerful" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. All-Powerful, All-Wise

Toàn năng và vô cùng khôn ngoan

2. All powerful Electrical Pty Ltd, Lara

3. Forever strong, mighty and all powerful

Mãi mãi khoẻ mạnh, cường tráng và đầy quyền lực

4. Bible verses about God Being All powerful

5. Bible verses about God Is All powerful

6. What does Almighty mean? Having absolute power; all-powerful

7. The laws of physics: invisible, eternal, omnipresent, all- powerful.

Những định luật vật lý: vô hình, vĩnh cửu, bất định, toàn năng

8. Synonyms: dictatorial, absolute, unlimited, all-powerful More Synonyms of Autocratic.

9. I'm sure he'll figure something out, him being all powerful and shit

Con chắc lão ta sẽ tìm ra cách thôi, quyền năng vãi lúa thế cơ mà...

10. President Kim Jong-il was all-powerful and hesitated between different attitudes.

11. In have penknife, bottle opener, peeler, all - powerful handle, kitchen chopping board!

12. Soon to Be Begrimers & Members of the All Powerful Bike Lobby

13. All powerful Prayers : protection, family, money for christians, jewish, buddhist, catholics, muslim

14. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the All powerful crossword clue

15. How could they, when he is both all-knowing and all-powerful?

16. 9 Father, plead, ingratiate and abase yourself before your all-powerful children!

17. His religious cultural background was an external all - powerful Supreme Being, or God.

18. They were great vassals of the Hosokawa clan then all powerful in Shikoku.

Họ là chư hầu lớn của gia tộc Hosokawa và rồi nắm toàn quyền ở đảo Shikoku.

19. According to Isaiah, God is All powerful, all knowing, all loving, and all wise

20. All-powerful Caesar Titus Hadrianus Antoninus, venerable and merciful, from Marcianus Aristides, an Athenian philosopher

21. The name Alaric is a boy's name of German origin meaning "all-powerful ruler"

22. 1.all-powerful, supreme, absolute, unlimited, invincible, omnipotentLet us now confess our sins to Almighty God

23. The Enterprise Admins group is often called the “all powerful” group in the Active Directory environment

24. Theologically, I can see that God is all - powerful and that we are small and insignificant.

25. God is All powerful Isaiah proclaimed, Yahweh is the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth

26. God is omnipotent “El Shaddai” (Exodus 6:2-3) which means He is All powerful (Matthew 28:18)

27. All-powerful Cæsar Titus Hadrianus Antoninus, venerable and merciful, from Marcianus Aristides, an Athenian philosopher. 1

28. And daughters often idealize their fathers, still seeing them as all - powerful, strong and strapping 35 - year - old men.

29. There is a difference, though, between recognizing an all-powerful Creator and believing that he immutably fixes our destiny.

Tuy nhiên, thừa nhận có một Đấng Tạo Hóa toàn năng thì khác với việc tin rằng Ngài định đoạt một cách bất di bất dịch vận mệnh chúng ta.

30. Our all-powerful Father in Heaven has entrusted priesthood authority to us—mortal beings who, by definition, are flawed and imperfect.

Cha Thiên Thượng toàn năng của chúng ta đã giao phó thẩm quyền chức tư tế cho chúng ta—là những người trần mà theo định nghĩa có đầy khiếm khuyết và không hoàn hảo.

31. Our Brazilian Bum bum Cream contains all-powerful, caffeine-rich Guaraná extract to help visibly tighten the appearance of skin

32. With her all-powerful and elastic muscles she encircled and oppressed her mount, Clawing with two great talons at his breast

33. Created by a Wizard using an all powerful set of tools called the Sharkiah (were like big magical needles), the first Confessor

34. However, it is a mistake to regard all those who in the past, fit the definition of Caudillo, as all-powerful rulers

35. You may wonder, ‘If God cares for us and is all powerful, why doesn’t he get rid of the causes of suffering?’

Bạn có thể thắc mắc: “Nếu Đức Chúa Trời quan tâm đến chúng ta và có quyền lực thì tại sao ngài không loại bỏ mọi nguyên nhân gây ra đau khổ?”.

36. The three main characters are stuck in awful work situations, with all-powerful bosses who are capricious, unfair and in some cases, lecherous.

37. All powerful uses Carolina Smash, crossing his arms in an X-shape before dash to attack everyone within his cone-type AOE radius.

38. All powerful is a 5-star ground and cone AoE type unit based on the character All Might from the anime My Hero Academia

39. All powerful enough to decide the outcome of the war single-handedly, but they're not allowed to directly interfere, or else all hell breaks loose

40. Mary makes her way to the lab, and finds Madam and Doctor Dee trying to use the flower to transform Peter into an all-powerful witch.

Mary cố gắng leo trèo trên hòn đảo để lại gần phòng thí nghiệm và thấy bà Madame và tiến sĩ Dee đang cố gắng sử dụng bông hoa để biến Peter trở thành một phù thuỷ.

41. It is the nature of Aphoristic thinking to be always in a state of concluding; a bid to have the final word is inherent in all powerful phrase-making

42. By regularly invoking the false Coequality of branches argument and its derivative checks and balances thesis, presidents intentionally spread the propaganda to safeguard an all-powerful presidency and executive

43. The creation, through education and life-long learning, of mechanisms for filtering information and checking 'knowledge` is absolutely essential given that the information society is now an all-powerful reality.

44. 15, in the year 44 BC, Julius Caesar, the all-powerful ruler of Rome, visited a soothsayer named Spurinna, who “predicted the future by examining the internal organs of sacrificial

45. The earth, this “thing of beauty,” with its marvels of life, growth, color, taste and a thousand other delights, reveals a Creator that is all-wise, all-powerful and all-loving.

Trái đất, “vật đẹp” này với những kỳ quan như sự sống, sự lớn lên, màu sắc, vị giác và muôn ngàn thú vui khác, giúp chúng ta nhận thức được rằng Đấng Tạo-hóa có lòng yêu thương, sự khôn ngoan và quyền lực vô cùng.

46. MVP VOTING HAS NEVER BEEN MORE BORING OWEN PHILLIPS AUGUST 14, 2020 FIVETHIRTYEIGHT English influence was all-powerful at Lisbon and the new envoy had not the talent to Counteract it

47. 'It may seem like an all-powerful creditor and weak, supplicant debtors, but the debtor countries and the surplus country are locked in a mutual embrace that is problematic for both of them.

48. I recall the Asperity with which this easy out (Kushner's "God is not all-powerful") was dismissed by Yehuda Bauer, the former head of the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum, when I asked him about it in Jerusalem.

49. ‘This was the Coup d'état of his grandfather Louis XV and chancellor Maupeou against the parlements.’ ‘The country's all-powerful military, which has seized power in three Coups since 1960, sees staunch secularism as a pillar of the state.’

50. Who are the Conspirators who serve the mighty all-powerful Committee of 300? The better-informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes under various names such as the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Round Table, the Milner Group