alkalimetric in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "alkalimetric"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alkalimetric" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alkalimetric", or refer to the context using the word "alkalimetric" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Because of its relatively difficult practicability, the alkalimetric method of determination is used only in an emergency.

2. With the further development of the alkalimetric-complexometric method the accomplishment of selective determinations and separations of metal ions has become possible.

3. An indirect volumetric determination of beryllium is based on the liberation of acid by reaction with salicylate and its alkalimetric titration.

4. A method is given for distinguishinganhydrides andlactones of carboxylic acids fromcarboxylic acids, and for their alkalimetric determination in the presence of such acids.

5. A commercially available carbon analyser based on the coulometric alkalimetric titration was adapted for the determination of carbonates in rocks and minerals.

6. A method is described for the determination of mercaptans by alkalimetric titration of trithiocarbonic acids formed through their reaction with carbon disulphide in tert.-butanol.

7. An acidimetric titration in the presence of mannitol and, subsequently, an alkalimetric titration are the only two procedures required. The accuracy of this method is about ± 0.5 % rel.

8. The above mentioned procedure achieved a further development of the alkalimetric method in complexometric analysis, a determination being carried out after a preliminary neutralization with only one titration.

9. The apparatus ofZacherl andKrainick for the alkalimetric determination of chlorine and bromine in organic substances has been modified to extend its applicability to substances containing nitrogen and sulfur as additional elements.

10. The mercuric oxycyanide procedure for the determination of the halide, originally recommended byVieböck for control purposes, is preferred in place of the direct alkalimetric method with which high results are obtained.

11. It has been shown that a 0,01 N potassium bi-iodate solution can be substituted for the standard 0,01 N hydrochloric acid used in all acidimetric and alkalimetric titrations employed in quantitative organic microanalysis.

12. The alkalimetric determination of free acid in solutions containing weakly basic bivalent or tri- and multivalent metal ions is only possible by eliminating these ions by precipitation, or by converting them into a complex that is unaffected.

13. Since the usual alkalimetric finish of the analysis is not included, hydrobromic acid of higher concentration may be employed; this is a distinct advantage especially in the case of acetals and ketals that are difficult to saponify.

14. The stoichiometric formation constants of complexes of the rare earth ions with bicyclic dicarboxylic acids in aqueous media were determined by alkalimetric titration at 30°C (0.1M KCl). 1:1 and 1:2 complexes and hydroxo complexes (hydrolysis products) as well as acido complex species could be identified.

15. The reaction products:p-benzoquinone and ammonia, respectively, allow a quantitative determination ofp-aminophenol even in the presence of some inorganic reducing materials (sulfides, sulfites, etc.) provided the excess bromine is removed by means of phenol (iodometric method) or sodium sulfite (alkalimetric determination).

16. For concentrations higher than 0.1 %, boron is determined by an alkalimetric method in the presence of mannitol and phenolphthalein or by a potentiometric method. For samples containing less than 0.1% of boron, it is determined by spectrophotometry with azomethine H.

17. This problem can be solved with the aid of two alkalimetric titrations, the first of which, made in the presence of excessive fluoride, measures the amount of free acid plus total P2O5, whereas the second one, effected after the addition of Ag+, indicates only the total P2O5-content.

18. Contrary to earlier reports in connection with the analysis of acetylated carbohydrates, the alkalimetric titration of acetic acid was found to be superior to the iodometric titration; and it is shown that accurate acetyl values are obtainable for carbohydrates if one includes in the calculation the correct blank value for the de-acetylated substance.