air forces in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "air forces"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "air forces" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "air forces", or refer to the context using the word "air forces" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Canada trained all air forces of the free world

2. The armies would gain airfields for the Allied air forces.

Quân đội sẽ xây thêm các sân bay cho các lực lượng Không quân Đồng Minh.

3. Balmorals are stationed all over the globe in Dominion air forces

4. Eleven different air forces provided aircraft, in addition to those hired privately

5. It may be used to protect naval, ground, and air forces in any location.

Nó có thể được sử dụng để bảo vệ lực lượng hải quân, lục quân và không quân bất cứ nơi nào có mặt những lực lượng này.

6. Air forces from around 35 countries have made inquiries, along with requests for demonstrations.

7. Eyes in the Skies – All the World's Awacs, Air Forces Monthly magazine, August 2008 issue

8. They have also participated in military exercises with the air forces of other Gulf nations.

Chúng cũng tham gia vào những cuộc diễn tập quân sự với các lực lượng không quân của các quốc gia Vùng Vịnh khác.

9. The installed heron is already banking away on invisible air forces, away from the mayhem.

10. Military Aircraft Every type from fighters to helicopters from air forces around the globe Classic Airliners

11. 17 The air over the world's oceans has proved baffling to many land - based air forces.

12. To facilitate this requirement, the Logistics officer corps is structured to support naval, land and air forces.

13. * They endorsed the continuation of joint military exercises and training between their Armies, Air Forces and Navies.

14. He began his Broadway career while serving in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II.

Ông bắt đầu sự nghiệp sân khấu Broadway trong khi phục vụ trong Lực lượng Không quân trong chiến tranh thế giới thứ II.

15. The Air Force Aircrew Badge is a direct successor to the Army Air Forces version of the decoration

16. Counter-offensives can be executed not only on land, but also by the naval forces and air forces.

Hoạt động phản công không chỉ trên đất liền mà còn thực thi bởi lực lượng hải quân và lực lượng không quân.

17. This is a list of Dassault Mirage IIIs, Dassault Mirage 5s, and Mirage 50s used by national air forces.

Dưới đây liệt kê các quốc gia sử dụng Dassault Mirage III, Mirage 5, và Mirage 50.

18. In addition, a whole range of smaller nations utilized Biplanes built for larger combatants in their own air forces

19. A total of 16 aircraft were supplied to the Soviet Union, and the rest to the US Army Air Forces.

Có 16 được cung cấp cho Liên Xô, số còn lại cho Không lực Mỹ.

20. The asphaltus is a Clod of earth, liquefied by heat; the air forces it to the surface, where it spreads itself

21. The United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) lacked spare parts needed for the ANG's aging F-84s and F-86s.

Không quân Hoa Kỳ tại châu Âu (USAFE) không có các phụ tùng cẩn thiết cho những chiếc máy bay F-84 và F-86 đã già cỗi của ANG.

22. June 21 – A U.S. Army Air Forces P-80 Shooting Star carries the first air mail flown by a turbojet-powered aircraft.

21 tháng 6 - một chiếc P-80 Shooting Star thuộc USAF mang bưu phẩm trang bị động cơ phản lực.

23. While Allied Air Forces were tied to the support of the Army, the Luftwaffe deployed its resources in a more general, operational way.

24. He fought 57 aerial combats... became the leading ace of the naval air forces... and was awarded the highest honors... his country could bestow.

25. Saab MFI-15 Safari, also known as the Saab MFI-17 Supporter, is a propeller-powered basic trainer aircraft used by several air forces.

Saab MFI-15 Safari, còn gọi là Saab MFI-17 Supporter, là một loại máy bay huấn luyện cơ bản.

26. The Army Air Forces present “Camouflage of Airdromes,” a World War II-era color film that walks military personnel through concealing fields and military air

27. OPERATION OF THE NORDEN Bombsight WWII TRAINING FILM 23241 - YouTube One of a series of classified films made for training by the Army Air Forces

28. Individual T/M/S WSPDS will be updated to reflect MALSP MOD Allowancing methodology and AVCAL allowances based upon Commander Naval Air Forces (CNAF) Allowancing schedule

29. Under the pressure of the second Vinson plan, initiated by the United States, the Japanese increased the momentum in building up their land-based air forces.

Dưới áp lực của kế hoạch Vinson thứ hai do Hoa Kỳ khởi xướng, nước Nhật tăng đà xây dựng lực lượng không quân trên đất liền của họ.

30. Duties included the provision of air cover for landings and embarkation, the neutralization of enemy air forces and the mounting of attacks on transport ashore and afloat.

31. Allotment The temporary change of assignment of tactical air forces between subordinate commands. The authority to allot is vested in the commander having combatant command (command authority)

32. An Autogyro is a rotary-wing aerodyne whose rotor is turned throughout its flight by air forces resulting from the motion of the craft through the air.

33. The Il-28 was widely exported, serving in the air arms of some 20 nations ranging from the Warsaw Pact to various Middle-Eastern and African air forces.

Il-28 đã được xuất khẩu rộng rãi, phục vụ trong không quân khoảng 20 quốc gia từ các nước thuộc khối Hiệp ước Warsaw tới lực lượng không quân các nước Trung Đông và châu Phi.

34. The military use of the term "bomb", or more specifically aerial bomb action, typically refers to airdropped, unpowered explosive weapons most commonly used by air forces and naval aviation.

35. The mission to target militants was launched in various parts of Afghania valley in the Nijbrab district the operations were facilitated with commando units and Afghan Air Forces, the statement added

36. For example, if someone should write a history of the civil war in which aerial combats were depicted between the northern and southern air forces, that would be an anAchronism, because airplanes did …

37. Balls to the wall, however, probably is from World War II Air Forces slang, from the ball that topped the aircraft throttle, thrust to the bulkhead of the cockpit to attain full speed.

38. Scott is best known for his memoir, God is My Co-Pilot (1943), about his exploits in World War II with the Flying Tigers and the United States Army Air Forces in China and Burma.

Chuẩn tướng Robert Lee Scott, Jr. (1908–2006): Nổi tiếng nhờ quyển tự truyện God is My Co-Pilot, nói về những thành tích của ông trong Thế Chiến II cùng Đội Phi Hổ và lực lượng Không lực Mỹ ở Trung Quốc và Miến Điện.

39. In the early to mid-1960s more MA-1 jackets appeared in Europe as Alpha Industries and later Rothco began to export MA-1 jackets and other military clothing to European Air Forces and commercial customers.

40. Most of these Airfields were under the command of Fourth Air Force or the Army Air Forces Training Command (AAFTC) (A predecessor of the current-day United States Air Force 's Air Education and Training Command).

41. Following Operation Barbarossa, which destroyed much of the Soviet Air Forces (VVS), surviving I-5s were equipped with four machine guns and bomb racks and pressed into service as light ground-attack aircraft and night bombers in 1941.

Sau Chiến dịch Barbarossa, hầu hết lực lượng của Không quân Xô viết (VVS) đã bị tổn thất nặng, những chiếc I-5 còn sót lại được trang bị 4 khẩu súng máy và rãnh gá bom, nó được dùng làm máy bay cường kích hạng nhẹ và ném bom ban đêm năm 1941.

42. Units arriving in the CBI after the AVG in the 10th and 14th Air Forces continued to perform well with the P-40, claiming 973 kills in the theater, or 64.8 percent of all enemy aircraft shot down.

Các đơn vi hậu duệ của Đội tình nguyện trong Không lực 10 và Không lực 14 tiếp tục thể hiện tốt với những chiếc P-40 của họ, ghi được 973 chiến công của mặt trận, chiếm 64,8% số máy bay địch bị hạ.

43. After replacement by the Sabre 5 in RCAF service from 1954, just over 210 surviving Sabre 2s were overhauled and modified in the UK and supplied in roughly equal numbers to the Greek Air Force and Turkish Air Forces.

Sau khi Sabre Mk.5 thay thế trong biên chế RCAF vào năm 1954, chỉ hơn 210 chiếc Sabre Mk.2 còn sót lại được đại tu và sửa đổi ở Anh, chúng được cung cấp cho Không quân Hy Lạp và Không quân Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ.

44. The first XB-32-CO, AAF s/n 41-141, was constructed next to the Army Air Forces (AAF) Base Tarrant Field Airdrome at the AAF Aircraft Plant No. 4 just west of Fort Worth, Texas along the south side of Lake Worth.

45. Nous pourrions notamment Alerter nos forces aériennes'.: In particular, we should be able to alert our air forces'.: Rien ne doit Alerter la communauté internationale.: Nothing must be allowed to alert the international community.: Elle essayait d' Alerter l'épicier

46. Bockscar, sometimes called Bock's Car, is the name of the United States Army Air Forces B-29 bomber that dropped a Fat Man nuclear weapon over the Japanese city of Nagasaki during World War II in the second – and last – nuclear attack in history

47. Due to aircraft fatigue, scarcity of spare parts and replacement problems, the US Fifth Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force created a joint P-40 management and replacement pool on 30 July 1942 and many P-40s went back and forth between the air forces.

Do những vấn đề về phụ tùng dự trữ và thay thế, Không lực 5 Hoa Kỳ và Không quân Hoàng gia Australia đã thành lập một cơ chế quản lý và dự trữ chung cho P-40 cho cả hai lực lượng vào ngày 30 tháng 7 năm 1942, và nhiều chiếc P-40 được chuyển đổi qua lại giữa hai lực lượng không quân.

48. The Army Air Forces present “Camouflage of Airdromes,” a World War II-era color film that walks military personnel through concealing fields and military air bases, and shows some of the elaborate dummy equipment and buildings used to produce a "ghost army" or in this case "ghost air force".

49. In November 1944, the War Department acquiesced.2 Despite slow recruitment of volunteers, a Battalion of 817 (later 824) enlisted personnel and 31 officers, all African-American women drawn from the WAC, the Army Service Forces, and the Army Air Forces, was created and eventually designated as the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

50. Operation Bodenplatte (Baseplate), launched on 1 January 1945, was an attempt by the Luftwaffe to cripple Allied air forces in the Low Countries during the Second World War.The goal of Bodenplatte was to gain air superiority during the stagnant stage of the Battle of the Bulge so that the German Army and Waffen-SS forces could resume their advance