adrenolytic in Vietnamese

ức chế dây thần kỉnh tiết adrenahne

Sentence patterns related to "adrenolytic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adrenolytic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adrenolytic", or refer to the context using the word "adrenolytic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Pentobarbital exhibited on this preparation an anti-adrenolytic action.

2. It has an adrenolytic, antihistaminic papaverine-like vasodilator action.

3. This cardiostimulating effect was inhibited by the α-adrenolytic drug phentolamine (10−6 moles/kg).

4. Atenolol has β-adrenolytic properties similar to those of propranolol, the most commonly named comparator drug.

5. The ADIUVO trial is testing the use of the adrenolytic substance mitotane for prolongation of disease-free survival after surgical removal of ACC.

6. Spasms of the internal cervical carotid artery are often transient and seem to react to adrenolytic drugs.—2.

7. The dose-response curves indicated that these effects are not correlated to theβ-adrenolytic activity of the drugs.

8. Blood pressure and heart rate, measured in addition to the ventilatory studies, likewise indicate an effective beta-adrenolytic substance.

9. Yohimbine and Phentolamine were investigated as adrenolytic drugs. Yohimbine depressed the cocaine hyperthermia in doses which had no hypothermic effect if given alone.

10. With quantities of Prenylamine, which correspond to the smallestβ-adrenolytic doses, an evident negative-inotropic and negative-chronotropic effect in the depleted hearts takes place.

11. On the other hand, theβ-adrenolytic (−)-isomer of INPEA as well as the inactive (+)-isomer are without any local anesthetic effect at all.

12. Due to the distinct individual effect of Iproveratril a specificβ-adrenolytic effect could not be seen in the Heart-Lung-Preparations of the dog.

13. Using Kö 592 — or any potent β-adrenolytic — and nicotinic acid resp. it is thus possible to differentiate between adrenergic and nonadrenergics mechanisms leading to lipolysis.

14. Theβ-adrenolytic drugs bupranolol (KL 255) and pindolol enhanced the transmitter-overflow evoked by stimulation of the post-ganglionic sympathetic nerves in isolated perfused rabbit hearts.

15. During pharmacological studies on the tranquillizing drug 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4,3-(2-chloro-10-phenothiazil)-propylpiperazine (perphenazine), a considerable adrenolytic activity of this substance has been demonstrated.

16. P-286 is devoid of adrenolytic or sympatholytic actions, exerts a slight para-sympatholytic action and depresses heart rate and contractile force; it has a papaverine-like antispasmodic action.

17. In contrast, both the effects of norepinephrine and ACTH were inhibited to about the same degree by the α-adrenolytic phenoxybenzamine and completely blocked by pretreatment with nicotinic acid.

18. The effects of Th 1165, a beta-adrenolytic substance derived from orciprenaline (Alupent®), on the circulatory system and ventilatory capacity have been studied in healthy subjects and patients with asthma.

19. On the basis of the various and gently differing data in the literature it is assumed that propranolol may have some other mode of action in addition to its β-adrenolytic effect on receptors.

20. The ratio of the smallest negative-inotropic dose to the smallestβ-adrenolytic dose was measured in Heart-Lung-Preparations of the 16 dogs with Propranolol (Dociton), MHIP (Kö 592), Prenylamine (Segontin) and Iproveratril (Isoptin).

21. Changes of the sodium content in the diet influence the adrenal glands, as demonstrated by the data on hypertension and adrenal weights presented; the independence of the adrenolytic action of DMBA on its carcinogenic mechanism was confirmed.

22. Similar to norepinephrine, the lipolytic effect of serotonin was readily inhibited by low concentrations (1 × 10−6 M) of the β-adrenolytic Kö 592, but was not affected by depletion of the norepinephrine content of the fat pads (pretreatment with syrosingopine).

23. In ethanol-treated animals, which had received theβ-adrenolytic Kö 592 for 24 hours before sacrifice, the increased contents of free fatty acids in the serum and of fat in the liver diminished while the esterified fatty acids in the serum remained elevated.

24. The ß-adrenolytic agent prindolol (10−7 moles/kg), which inhibited the increase of dp/dtmax evoked by isoprenaline as well as by noradrenaline did not influence the positive inotropic effect of phenylephrine, thus favouring the view that there exist myocardial α-adrenoceptors in the ventricle of the cat.

25. Pre-operatively we could demonstrate: 1) Increased UCP in 8 of 10 patients, regardless of the secretory pattern; 2) Response to alpha-adrenolytic agents in 7 of 9 patients; and postoperatively: 3) Good correlation between a positive alpha-blocker test and a decrease in urethral pressure in 3 of 5 patients.

26. Experimental inversion of suspected metabolic alterations; administration of cortical hormones to prevent the lowering of their venous titer; exclusion of the sympathoadrenal system through complete sympathectomy, spinal section, denervation of the adrenal gland, adrenodemedullation or the use of adrenolytic agents; or the deafferentiation of the hypophysis through pituitary-stalk section or hypophyseal transplantation may admittedly interfere, under certain conditions, with the stress-induced release of ACTH from the anterior pituitary.