ad libitum in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "ad libitum"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ad libitum" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ad libitum", or refer to the context using the word "ad libitum" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Now, undress me, ad infinitum, ad libitum.

2. All were white caucasians on an ad libitum omnivorous diet.

3. Will animals be fed specie specific standard laboratory chow, ad libitum?

4. For years, Jackson seems to have swallowed a variety of pills ad libitum.

5. Rats placed on to a semi-starvation diet live longer than those given food ad libitum.

6. During the test periods subjects were instructed not to smoke or eat anything but drank water ad libitum.

7. The sodium and placebo tablets were taken ad libitum, with the suggested range of 1–4 per hour.

8. Diets and water were supplied ad libitum. Food consumption was recorded every 3 days and the animals were weighed weekly.

9. The recommendations are that some types of fruit may be consumed ad libitum, such as apples, pears, oranges, raspberries and strawberries.

10. All that will be required will be to feed a gilt developer diet ad libitum from arrival in the breeding herd until mating.

11. Mice were fed with commercial diet and 5% soybean peptide solution ad libitum during endurance swimming training every 2 days for 5 weeks.

12. Conclusions: Ad libitum sodium supplementation was not necessary to preserve serum sodium concentrations in athletes competing for about 12 hours in an Ironman triathlon.

13. However, brown adipose tissue (BAT) in both cold-adapted ad libitum fed and cold-adapted pair-fed rats was enlarged to the same extent as compared with that in control rats. Fat-free dry matter in BAT also increased in cold-adapted ad libitum fed and cold-adapted pair-fed rats to the same extent.

14. Ad Aspersionem aquae benedictae\u000B Asperges me (pdf 64 KB)\u000B Asperges me ad libitum I (pdf 63,2 KB)\u000B Asperges me ad libitum II (pdf 61,4 KB)\u000B Sacra para el sacerdote (Asperges) Card for the priest (pdf 112 KB)\u000B Vidi aquam (Pdf 69,2 KB)\u000B Sacra para el sacerdote (vidi aquam) Card for the priest (pdf

15. The significance relationships of ad libitum feeding group between LD and ST in meat color, moisture content, crude protein content were changed by restricted feeding.

16. Wasted batteries suggested return to manufacturer or put at appointed public bettery reclaim area , do not mix battery with other waste or dispose of battery ad libitum .

17. The showed that CR rats have significantly lower blood glucose concentrations and insulin levels, and also lowered body and liver weight as compared with AL(ad libitum) rats.

18. In the new study, the 88 rats were kept in Plexiglas cages and subjected to a life of extreme leisure: they were fed ad libitum and kept at a constant 75 degrees F (24 degrees C).

19. Vitt and Cooper (1986a) suggested that ingestion of live eggs may occur to satisfy the hunger of the brooding female, but Groves (1982) found that brooding females fed ad libitum in a laboratory experiment still ingested eggs, the large majority of which were addled.

20. The size At maturity is 30–35-mm test diameter at 2 years of age in Funka Bay (Fuji, 1960a,b; Kawamura, 1973).Juveniles fed algae ad libitum in the laboratory mature at 1 year of age (Agatsuma and Momma, 1988).2.1.2 Geographical differences in the reproductive cycle