actually in Vietnamese

Phó từ
thực sự, trên thực tế

Sentence patterns related to "actually"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "actually" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "actually", or refer to the context using the word "actually" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. No, actually.

Những chiến lược gợi cảm!!!

2. Eight, actually.

3. What did she Actually say? It's not Actually raining now

4. Which is that, actually, first one, all value is actually relative.

5. CK 1 265233 What Actually happened? CK 1 1975713 I'm Actually

6. It's actually working!

7. Demanded it, actually.

8. It actually basks.

Thực sự tắm nắng.

9. Actually, my stepmother

Thực ra, mẹ kế của muội đó. Àh!

10. Actually, the accordion

11. Lao Tzu, actually.

Thật ra là Lão Tử.

12. Scrap metal, actually.

Sắt vụn chứ a.

13. Lapidary hieratic, actually.

Chữ tượng hình chạm trổ.

14. Expenditure actually incurred

15. I quit, actually.

Tớ bỏ thuốc rồi

16. I'm famished, actually.

Thật sự thì ta đói meo.

17. Infinity percent, actually.

18. They're slippers, actually.

Họ đi dép, thực sự.

19. Talking baseball, actually

Thực ra thì toàn chuyện bóng bầu dục ấy mà

20. It's actually recess.

Đây thật ra là giờ ra chơi.

21. It's actually curable.

Thực ra là chữa được khỏi hẳn.

22. Do you actually expect the Line of Control to actually cool down now?

23. And actually, in our atmosphere, carbon dioxide is actually almost a trace gas.

24. Http:// 'Actually' is Actually used more often in conversation than you think

25. So actually from A to D is actually a diameter of the circle.

26. — control measures actually applied.

27. Typical science, actually, right?

Kiểu khoa học điển hình, thực sự thế, đúng không?

28. Actually, tied for 50th.

Thật ra, 50 chỉ là đại khái.

29. The system actually operated.

30. Actually, that's my status.

31. Hours actually worked include:

32. No, actually, amnesia pill.

Không hề, thuốc mất trí nhớ.

33. It's actually almost tragic.

Đúng là cốc mò cò xơi.

34. I'm a reptile, actually.

Đó là cánh cửa đến cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn đó.

35. It's actually really powerful.

36. That actually makes sense.

Thật là hợp lý đấy.

37. It's pretty cool, actually.

Thực sự nó khá hay đấy chứ.

38. Actually, she's just outside.

Nói chơi thôi, cổ đang ở ngoài kia.

39. Unbelievably it actually works.

40. Actually, it is insane.

41. It's actually twice differentiable.

42. I've actually lost weight.

43. Actually, it's Power Man.

44. But that actually indicates a lack of understanding of how terrorist investigations actually work.

45. So it actually works.

46. This could actually work.

47. Actually, I need two:

48. It's actually quite jarring.

49. That's Professor Whistler, actually.

Thực ra là Giáo Sư Whistler

50. Uh, the garbage actually.

Dạ, thật ra từ bãi rác.