acropetally in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "acropetally"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acropetally" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acropetally", or refer to the context using the word "acropetally" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The bending zone is pushed markedly acropetally by these movements.

2. Proportions of short shoots bearing seed cones increased acropetally.

3. Primary xylem and phloem within these strands appear to differentiate acropetally.

4. Acropetal, acropetally, anticompetitive, Apetalies, apetalous, apetaly See the full list of words here!

5. Pollination drops formed acropetally in the conelet and only once from each ovule.

6. In mature cones the bracts decreased and the ovuliferous scales (except near the tip) increased in size acropetally.

7. Sylleptic shoots became evident in late June and more formed acropetally until late July on some trees.

8. Observations of secondary conidium production in an African strain ofS. schenckii revealed that secondary conidia are produced (1) acropetally on short sterigmata, (2) sympodially on short conidial appendages, and/or (3) sympodially or acropetally on short sporogenous cells which arise directly from the primary conidium.

9. Lamina area of successive leaf pairs and lengths of successive internodes increased acropetally to maxima and then decreased.

10. These flowers develop their appendages acropetally; first, the four tepals are initiated followed by the four stamens opposite the tepals.

11. Root initiation began on the 7th day and moved acropetally until the 16th day, with no formation of new roots between older ones.

12. The rising takes place in and below the apparent peak of the bending zone. Nearly simultaneously a new curve displaced acropetally appears in the stalk.

13. LSCs, which indicate the relative water supply to different plant parts, decrease acropetally but are higher in the trunk than in branches and are particularly low in second-order branches and at branch insertions.

14. When vascular bundles were followed (and plotted) acropetally from serial transverse sections starting with groups of anastomosing secondary bundles, secondary bundles were continuous with both major and minor axial primary bundles or with procambial strands.

15. The species of the genus are dimorphic and share similar cladosporium-like conidial anamorphs consisting of pale brown, short, acropetally produced chains of cylindrical to fusiform, zero- or one-septate conidia and ramoconidia, diagnostic chlamydosporic synanamorphs, and a soil-borne, heat-resistant ecology.