acidaemia in Vietnamese

Chứng acid huyết, tình trạng acid trong máu cao bất thường.

Sentence patterns related to "acidaemia"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acidaemia" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acidaemia", or refer to the context using the word "acidaemia" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The composition may in particular be used in the treatment of a human suffering from a disorder selected from the group consisting of phenylketonuria, homocystinuria, maple syrup urine disease, tyrosinaemia, propionic acidaemia, methylmalonic acidaemia, isovaleric acidaemia, urea cycle disorders and glutaric aciduria.

2. Respiratory acidaemia led to a slight rise in cardiac output.

3. Excessive hypotension may potentially produce myocardial and cerebral ischaemia, and is associated with neonatal acidaemia in obstetric practice.

4. Metabolic acidaemia produced only slight decrease in cardiac output but a more marked fall became evident with decreasing pH.

5. This study shows that respiratory alkalosis can be avoided while maintaining suitable oxygenation without risk of respiratory acidaemia in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

6. The variable “time to sustained respiration” of the newborn shows only a weak association with neonatal acidaemia but good correlation with the whole clinical status of the neonate (Apgar-soore).

7. A greater latitude in ventilatory volume was permissible in Group c subjects to attain à homogeneous result within à desired range of Paco2 levels. Severe acidaemia was not à problem.

8. Leigh’s syndrome was diagnosed at five months of age based on failure to thrive, lethargy, hypotonicity, choreo-athetosis and lactic acidaemia, with basal ganglia hypodense areas demonstrated by brain computerized tomographic scan.

9. Computational weighting of the different components in the whole score (weighted Apgar-scoring) leads in 40 models, which were realised electronically (IBM 370/155) to no important increase of the degree of association with neonatal acidaemia.

10. All the scores were found to be very closely related with actual pH measured in the umbilical artery, the score for skin-colour showing the best association with acidaemia when compared with the remainder.

11. Reason: a) The alcalizing effect of THAM is more reliable than the one of bicarbonate, for it is independent from an adequate ventilation. b) The application of bicarbonate during apnoea includes at least theoretically the danger of intracellular acidaemia. c) The hypercapnia of the apnoic newborn is improved.