acanthocephalans in Vietnamese

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xem spiny-headed worm

Sentence patterns related to "acanthocephalans"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acanthocephalans" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acanthocephalans", or refer to the context using the word "acanthocephalans" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. In Acanthocephalans, performance analysis of attachment is available only for …

2. Acanthocephalans have complex life cycles, involving at least two hosts

3. These acanthocephalans were most numerous and attained maximum development in late spring.

4. Eighteen of the recoveries represent new host records (11 digeneans, 5 nematodes, 2 acanthocephalans).

5. Observations made on this worm indicate that the structure follows the general pattern described for other species of acanthocephalans.

6. Acanthocephalans use their retractable and invaginable proboscis to attach to the intestine of their host.

7. Functional inference on the attachment of Acanthocephalans has generally been drawn directly from morphology

8. All Acanthocephalans are endoparasitic, living in two or three marine or terrestrial vertebrates during their

9. Protozoans, monogeneans, digeneans, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans, and a crustacean and a molluscan species occurred in the fish.

10. Acanthocephalans are also found in humans and primates, causing a common zoonotic infection called "human Acanthocephaliasis".

11. A number of parasitic trematodes, acanthocephalans, nematodes and cestodes have been reported from lake sturgeon (Harkness and Dymond 1961).

12. Such seasonality has been previously observed for acanthocephalans in bodies of water which freeze, as does the Bay of Quinte.

13. Acalyculate acamarian acamprosate acanaloniid acanaloniid planthoppers acantha acanthaceous acanthads acanthamebiasis Acanthamoeba Acanthamoeba keratitis acanthamoebiasis acanthamoebosis acanthi acanthite acanthocephalans acanthocephales acanthocephaliasis:

14. The occurrence of acanthocephalans of the genus Neoechinorhynchus Stiles and Hassall, 1905 in Vietnamese waters is reported for the first time.

15. Acanthocephali usually occurred in the syncytium of infected males and females, but also occurred in the pseudocoelom of some female acanthocephalans with damaging effects on ovarian balls (Figs

16. In the Austrian sector of the Danube, 5 parasite species are registered: infusoria Trichodina sp., parasitic crustaceans Ergasilus sieboldi, trematodes Diplostomum sp. and N. skrjabini, and also acanthocephalans Acanthocephalus lucii.

17. The lemnisci of acanthocephalans are enigmatic organs which, except for those of adult Moniliformis dubius and Octospinifer macilentus, have not been described on the basis of examination by electron microscopy.

18. The armed proboscis of acanthocephalans may cause localized damage to the intestine; adults of some species normally attached to the intestinal lining may penetrate the intestine and invade visceral organs.

19. The values are compared to values obtained from other gutless parasitic helminths and from the free-living rotifers which are presumably to be regarded as closely related to the acanthocephalans.

20. Acanthocephalans, also known as spiny-headed or thorny-headed worms, are necrotrophic worms that live as adults exclusively in the vertebrate's small intestine and exhibit an indirect life cycle, which utilizes an arthropod intermediate host

21. Darkfield Digital Image Gallery Acanthocephala (Spiny-Headed Worm) Members of the phylum Acanthocephala are entirely endoparasitic, but when compared to other invertebrate parasites such as the roundworms (phylum Nematoda) and tapeworms (phylum Platyhelminthes, class Cestoda), they are relatively rare.However, Acanthocephalans have succeeded by infiltrating niches within every …

22. We examined the hypothesis that Steller's eiders, Polysticta stelleri (Pallas, 1769), in good body condition avoided nutritious and abundant prey that were intermediate hosts of acanthocephalans, while birds in poor condition accepted the long-term costs of parasitism to minimize the short-term risk of starvation.

23. Acanthocephala (Greek ἄκανθος, akanthos, thorn + κεφαλή, kephale, head) is a phylum of parasitic worms known as Acanthocephalans, thorny-headed worms, or spiny-headed worms, characterized by the presence of an eversible proboscis, armed with spines, which it uses to pierce and hold the gut wall of its host

24. A wide variety of parasites were found in rodent hosts, including protozoa—Giardia sp. (n = 8), Cryptosporidium sp. (n = 1), Entamoeba sp. (n = 8), Trichomonadida (n = 4), Isospora sp. (n = 1), trematodes (Echinostoma sp.; n = 3), cestodes—Hymenolepisnana (n = 1), Hymenolepisdiminuta (n = 3), Hymenolepis sp. (n = 2), Taeniataeniaeformis-Larven (n = 4), Catenotaenia sp. (n = 1), Taenia sp. (n = 1), nematodes—Heterakisspumosa (n = 4), Heterakis sp. (n = 1), Aspiculuristetraptera (n = 2), Capillariahepatica (n = 2), Capillaria sp. (n = 3), Syphacia sp. (n = 2), Strongyloides sp. (n = 10), Trichostrongylus sp. (n = 2) and Trichuris sp. (n = 1)—and acanthocephalans (Moniliformismoniliformis; n = 2).