absorption band in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "absorption band"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absorption band" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absorption band", or refer to the context using the word "absorption band" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Evidence is found for four absorption band systems.

2. Uranin shows a sharp absorption band at this wave length.

3. A theoretical analysis of the infrared absorption band wings is presented.

4. The first absorption band of each derivative can be assigned to the dipole-allowed transition.

5. The lowest energy absorption band (2107Å, ɛ = 150) is assigned as an n→π* transition.

6. Negative interference occurs in NDIR instruments by the interfering gas broadening the absorption band of the

7. A simple model is proposed for the spin-dependent infrared absorption band observed in antiferromagnetic NiO crystals.

8. The 5d-4ftransition of the rare earth doped anisotropic crystal comprises an absorption band extending over several nm.

9. The laser diode arrays (66) are tuned to match an absorption band of the atomic vapor filter (132).

10. The wavelength of the electromagnetic wave (31) is arranged within the wavelength absorption band of the sensitivity factor.

11. The water/alcohol composition effects on the es− absorption band parameters are attributed to changes in solvent structure.

12. This absorption band comes from the spherical geometry of the particles and the particular optical properties of the gold.

13. The quantitative analysis of evolved gases was carried out using the specific gas profiles at the specific absorption band.

14. Both bodies also have a weak absorption band near 2.3 μm, which may be caused by ammonia hydrate or methane ice.

15. The absorption band is discussed as being heterogeneously broadened in both solid and liquid phases, the former being space-averaged and the latter time-averaged.

16. It was found that adsorption prevents the dimerization of the dye, and gives rise to red shifts of the principal absorption band of the dye.

17. In this work, using methylene blue and thionine dyes as model systems, we show that the electronic absorption band of resonant Adsorbates can be determined with submonolayer

18. The scientific basis for this technique is that short wavelength light falls within the haemoglobin absorption band, thereby facilitating clearer visualization of vascular structures and pit pattern.

19. The infrared band is also attributed to trapped electrons, partly because of its similarity to the electron absorption band found recently in some D2O glasses at low temperatures.

20. Negative interference occurs in NDIR instruments by the interfering gas broadening the absorption band of the measured gas, and in CLD instruments by the interfering gas quenching the reaction.

21. Negative interference occurs in NDIR instruments by the interfering gas broadening the absorption band of the measured gas, and in CLD instruments by the interfering gas quenching the radiation

22. Negative interference occurs in NDIR instruments by the interfering gas broadening the absorption band of the measured gas, and in CLD instruments by the interfering gas quenching the reaction

23. Negative interference occurs in NDIR instruments by the interfering gas broadening the absorption band of the measured gas, and in CLD instruments by the interfering gas quenching the radiation.

24. This allowed us to assign the absolute configuration (P) to the inherently chiral phenanthroperylene quinone chromophore of hypericin, thebay-hypericinate ion, and the 1,6-dioxo-tautomer displaying a negativeCotton effect of their long wavelength absorption band.

25. It was found that this aim is achieved by doping comprising a gallium compound, which in the wave range below 250nm has a maximum of an absorption band and thus determines the edge wave range λc.

26. McDonald's study of the absorption band at 3749 cm−1, due to the O—H stretching vibration of hydroxyl groups on outgassed powdered silica, revealed substantial changes in center frequency and band area upon adsorption of Ar.

27. The polymers can be used on their own or mixed with at least one additional fluorophore whose absorption band overlaps with the emission band (fluorescence emission) of the polymer of formula (I), as an active radiating layer for light-emitting diodes, screens and display elements.

28. The Amide I, II, III, and A vibrational modes of proteins have distinct infrared absorption band shapes.1,2 Their sensitivity to hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, and peptide backbone geometry provides useful indicators of secondary structural changes.3-7 The Amide I and A modes originate from