absolute size in Vietnamese

kích thước tuyệt đối

Sentence patterns related to "absolute size"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absolute size" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absolute size", or refer to the context using the word "absolute size" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 5 In terms of absolute size, the two programs differ substantially.

2. And it is the absolute size of China's external surplus that determines the impact on global demand.

3. Further, the absolute size of the warnings is maximized for unit packets intended for tobacco products other than cigarettes.

4. In view of their absolute size, trend and relative share HDV CO2 emissions need to be addressed and curbed.

5. With the same granule size of both powders, the absolute size of the particles does not influence the yield conditions.

6. The Tribunal considered tha t the phase in period should take account of the differences in the absolute size of reduction in tariffs.

7. They disclosed a continuosly positive allometry from the 4th fetal month to birth, followed by a postpartum decrease in the absolute size of the organ.

8. The tallest spruce measured in each juvenile survey plot had the same mortality rate regardless of absolute size, and spruce mortality was reduced when associated with aspen.

9. Ultimately, emerging economies’ absolute size and rate of growth both matter in charting commodity demand and the future trajectory of global commodity prices, with per capita income clearly linked to consumers’ wealth.