abdominothoracic in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "abdominothoracic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abdominothoracic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abdominothoracic", or refer to the context using the word "abdominothoracic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The abdominal, abdominothoracic, and thoracic approaches are compared.

2. The abdominothoracic incision (24 patients) allowed a good survey and enabled radical resection.

3. In a survev of 93 abdominothoracic or cervical resections, the lethality was 6.3%.

4. In a randomized animal study we compared endoscopic versus blunt dissection and versus abdominothoracic resection.

5. Here, we present a case of a tracheal fistula due to an anastomotic insufficiency following abdominothoracic esophageal resection.

6. Anastomosis problems occurred intraoperatively only in 5.5%, but the rate increased in the transhiatal and abdominothoracic procedures.

7. There is lower postoperative, mortality compared to standard abdominothoracic resection, while the mean survival rate is comparable.

8. The R0 resection rate, lymph node retrieval, and operating time are comparable with those of the open abdominothoracic approach.

9. The thoracic squamous cell tumors are adequately treated by an abdominothoracic resection with abdominal and mediastinal lymph node dissection.

10. Extensive abdominothoracic gastrectomies with a higher risk do not seem to provide anv advantaee in carcinomas of the gastric cardia.

11. Several surgical techniques are available for complete resection ranging from laparoscopic enucleation to combined endoscopic laparoscopic (rendezvous) techniques and abdominothoracic approaches.

12. Since I980, in addition to abdominal gastrectomy (n = 56), an increasing number of abdominotranshiatal (n = 3I) and abdominothoracic (n = 20) operations have been performed.

13. Locally advanced Barrett carcinoma is also an indication for classic two-field lymphadenectomy together with abdominothoracic oesophagectomy and creation of a stomach tube with intrathoracic anastomosis.

14. In the department for general, visceral and transplantation surgery of the University Medical Center of Mainz, minimally invasive abdominothoracic esophageal resection has been carried out since 2010.

15. The 5-year survival rates after abdominal/transhiatal procedures did not differ statistically in comparison with abdominothoracic operations (29±8%/18±9%), also not in the corresponding tumor stages I/II and III/IV (UICC 1978).

16. From 1982 to 1985, 224 abdominal, 31 transhiatal, and 9 abdominothoracic gastrectomies were performed because of gastric cancer, in addition to 7 proximal gastric resections. The procedures were carried out using the circular stapler ILS Proximate.

17. Currently, the best prospect for cure of early esophageal cancer is surgical resection through the abdominothoracic approach, although less radical surgical procedures such as transhiatal resection without extensive lymph node dissection seem to achieve the same results.

18. Intramural infiltration of the esophagus can be treated by including the thoracic part of the esophagus in the gastric resection done via an abdominothoracic approach, ensuring an appropriate margin of clearance, with no significant worsening of the prognosis.