Utero- ovarian pregnancy in Vietnamese

chữa tử cung - buồng trứng.

Sentence patterns related to "Utero- ovarian pregnancy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Utero- ovarian pregnancy" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Utero- ovarian pregnancy", or refer to the context using the word "Utero- ovarian pregnancy" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ovarian Cists while pregnant Cists ovarian Cists with pregnancy ovarian Cists intercourse after ovarian cyst rupture? ovarian cyst; NEED HELP! Complex ovarian cyst ovarian cysts-hysterectomy or hormonal therapy ovarian cyst pain septation Ovarian cysts and ability to get pregnant? I have ovarian Cists, but I really want another child

2. Anything that inhibits ovulation - eg, pregnancy or oral contraception - reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.

3. Amenorrhea can be due to pregnancy, anatomic defects of the outflow tract, ovarian disorders, and pituitary or hypothalamic disorders

4. AMH is stable and can be measured to evaluate the ovarian reserve during treatment with oral contraceptive pills and during pregnancy.

5. The title is " Observations of In- Utero Masturbation. "

Tựa đề của bài viết là " Sự Khám Sát Hành Vi Thủ Dâm Bên Trong Tử Cung. "

6. She had ovarian cancer.

Cô ấy bị ung thư buồng trứng.

7. Ovarian cancer's way more likely.

Ung thư buồng trứng thì có thể hơn.

8. The diagnosis was ovarian cancer.

9. Ovarian Ablation is the shutdown of ovarian function in order to suppress the production of hormones

10. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS – Cervicitis – Ectopic pregnancy – Adnexal mass with rupture or torsion (e.g. twisted ovarian cyst) – Pyelonephritis – Appendicitis – Inflammatory bowel disease – Diverticulitis COMPLICATIONS – – – – – – – Recurrent episodes (in 15% to 25% of cases) Tubo-ovarian abscess (in 15% of cases) Sepsis Infertility (prevalence of 12% after one episode) Chronic pelvic pain (in 20% of cases) Adhesions Increased ris k of ectopic pregnancy (four- to eightfold increase in risk)

11. Binovular complexes after ovarian stimulation

12. It generates white noise which simulates the sound of being in utero.

13. Cytoreduction in ovarian cancer: Achievability and results

14. Climacteric is the period of life starting from the decline in ovarian activity until after the end of ovarian function

15. A Cryptic pregnancy, also called a stealth pregnancy, is a pregnancy that conventional medical testing methods may fail to detect

16. These techniques include administration of GnRH-agonists, ovarian stimulation with cryoconservation of fertilised or unfertilised oocytes, as well as cryoconservation of ovarian tissue.

17. 23 Probably conceived in utero, he first spoke these words to me when we were considering Yeats' epitaph.

18. Degrade the endometrium, prevent ovarian follicles from maturing.

Làm suy thoái tử cung, ngăn nang buồng trứng chín.

19. Diseases associated with Areg include Ovarian Cystadenoma and Psoriasis

20. For example, ovarian Apoplexy is bleeding in the ovaries

21. Conclusion: Quadruplet pregnancy is an extremely race, curable and high risk pregnancy.

22. Faking a pregnancy.

Giả mạo việc mang thai.

23. Eclampsia/toxemia of pregnancy

24. We ran blood tests for ovarian, lung and lymphomas.

Đã xét nghiệm máu để kiểm tra buồng trứng, phổi và lympho.

25. The signs and symptoms of antenatal Bartter Syndrome may be present and identifiable in utero