UNHCR in Vietnamese

Viết tắt
Cao uỷ liên hiệp quốc về người tị nạn ( United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)

Sentence patterns related to "UNHCR"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "UNHCR" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "UNHCR", or refer to the context using the word "UNHCR" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. “We have given this information to UNHCR.

Chúng tôi đã gửi những thông tin này cho Cao Ủy Tỵ Nạn Liên Hiệp Quốc.

2. UNHCR is reviewing its programmes accordingly to match likely income.

3. The UNHCR administration accepted most OIOS recommendations to remedy the situation.

4. UNHCR has addressed counter-terrorism in its work on refugee protection

5. · UNHCR access rules were developed by RAS in consultation with relevant units.

6. An Asylee is a refugee who doesn’t have UNHCR acting as a middleman

7. UNHCR Arrangerar världens första Globala Flyktingforum – Global Refugee Forum

8. Returnees were warned by authorities not to say anything negative to UNHCR officials.

Những người hồi hương thường bị viên chức nhà nước đe dọa rằng không được nói những điều tiêu cực với Cao Ủy Tỵ Nạn Liên Hiệp Quốc.

9. UNDP, UNHCR, UNFPA and UNOPS accounted for staff entitlements on a cash basis

10. Various actions have been taken to address the points, but UNHCR needs to:

11. The UNHCR gave us a plastic sheet that we put on the roof.

Tổ chức UNHCR cho chúng tôi một tấm nhựa để lợp mái.

12. The UNHCR in Rwanda says repatriation is an option for all Burundians in Rwanda

13. UNHCR budgets for expenditure using three bases: operational expenditure; staff expenses; and administrative costs (ABOD).

14. UNHCR is considering an additional allotment to cover costs for the second half of 2012.

15. · UNHCR to keep States and other interested actors informed of the consultation process within AGAMI.

16. UNHCR to keep States and other interested actors informed of the consultation process within AGAMI

17. UNHCR provides for an allowance for doubtful accounts receivable equal to the estimated uncollectable amounts

18. Chart showing audit coverage of UNHCR activities during 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010

19. The UNHCR described the 1997 proposal as balanced and as providing a constructive basis for action.

20. The Board recommends that UNHCR continue to accelerate the pace of submission of subproject monitoring reports

21. The UNHCR Secretariat acknowledged that it is using this alternative only in very limited exceptional cases.

22. OIOS conducted a study, taking into account the cost implications and recommended revisions to UNHCR policy.

23. UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Adel Imam with refugee children at an art exhibition in Cairo, June 200

24. The UNHCR Secretariat acknowledged that it is using this alternative only in very limited exceptional cases

25. She was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador by UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency in January 2019.

Cô được bổ nhiệm làm Đại sứ thiện chí của UNHCR, Cơ quan tị nạn Liên Hợp Quốc vào tháng 1 năm 2019.

26. “The UNHCR monitoring missions and the repatriation program are seriously flawed and need to be reconsidered.”

Việc giám sát chương trình hồi hương của Cao Ủy Tỵ Nạn Liên Hiệp Quốc đã bị sai lầm trầm trọng, cần phải được duyệt xét lại.”

27. 2 days ago · India Abstains from voting at UNHCR on Sri Lanka resolution

28. Paragraphs 281 to 284 of the Board’s report on UNHCR (A/61/5/Add.5, chap.

29. The review of implementing partners was continued to assess their ability to manage UNHCR project activities.

30. This margin is essentially to allow UNHCR to process the next instalment payment in a timely manner.

31. The Advisory Committee notes that the Board has commented again on the issue of UNHCR “project staff”.

32. In addition, Chapter 6 (Financial Management) of the UNHCR Manual is being updated to reflect IPSAS requirements.

33. To confirm its detailed requirements, UNHCR commissioned consultants in # to further review the IMIS personnel administration module

34. The effect of exchange-rate fluctuations on UNHCR accounts varies greatly from one year to the next

35. UNHCR planned to implement the human resources module of MSRP, which would facilitate the payroll administration process

36. UNHCR planned to implement the human resources module of MSRP, which would facilitate the payroll administration process.

37. UNHCR is reviewing potential cost implications and governments’ acceptance of audits performed by private sector audit firms.

38. It was created in 1979 under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Chương trình này được tiến hành từ năm 1979 dưới sự hỗ trợ của Cao ủy Liên Hiệp Quốc về người tị nạn.

39. However, the uniqueness of UNHCR, such as its management and reporting cycle, have to be taken into account.

40. To allow displaced persons to return home - through contacts with the UNHCR and other UN agencies and NGOs.

41. They were transported through Uzbek territory, making it impossible for UNHCR to accompany the transport the whole way.

42. In order to eliminate inactive accounts, UNHCR will review its current procedures for opening and closing bank accounts

43. Those issues should be taken into account in the operational responses of UNHCR and other United Nations agencies.

44. The # accounts, the total of which represented $ # should also have been closed in compliance with UNHCR financial rule

45. In order to eliminate inactive accounts, UNHCR will review its current procedures for opening and closing bank accounts.

46. UNHCR will revise its policy to perform routine daily general ledger bank reconciliation on the more active accounts.

47. Miscellaneous income includes proceeds from the sale of used or surplus non‐expendable property and UNHCR-provided staff accommodations.

48. (c) & (d) Afghan nationals displaced due to disturbances in their country have been allowed to stay in India as refugees on the basis of certificates issued by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) till they are rehabilitated in the third country by UNHCR.

49. “Yes, we line up at the canteen to collect basic food items that are distributed by the UNHCR,” continues Kandida.

50. The government is violating an agreement with UNHCR, which is supposed to monitor returning refugees and ensure they are safe.

Chính quyền Việt Nam đã vi phạm thoả thuận với Cao Uỷ Tỵ Nạn là cơ quan có trách nhiệm điều hành việc hồi hương của người tỵ nạn và bảo đảm sự an toàn của họ.