T cell helper factor in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "T cell helper factor"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "T cell helper factor" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "T cell helper factor", or refer to the context using the word "T cell helper factor" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. CD8+ (Cytotoxic) T cells, like CD4+ Helper T cells, are generated in the thymus and express the T-cell receptor

2. The APC then travels to a lymph node, where it presents the displayed allergen to a CD4+ T-cell, or T-helper cell.

Sau đó, APC di chuyển tới một hạch bạch huyết, nơi nó trình bày các chất gây dị ứng được hiển thị cho tế bào T CD4, hoặc tế bào T-helper.

3. A Th 1/T helper 2 imbalance characterizes T-cell responses in active drinkers with ARC, whereas IL-4 production prevails in Abstinents

4. In lymph node …activated helper T cells or Cytotoxic T lymphocytes

5. I discovered a specific type of immune cell, the helper T cell, was present inside that material that I implanted and absolutely critical for wound healing.

6. Infusion of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Alleviates Autoimmune Nephritis in a Lupus Model by Suppressing Follicular Helper T-Cell Development

7. T-Cell Clonality; T cell antigen receptors, Gene Rearrangement; Laboratory

8. Here we review the conceptual foundations of T cell Clonality assays, including T cell ontogeny and T cell receptor …

9. Here we review the conceptual foundations of T cell Clonality assays, including T cell ontogeny and T cell receptor structure and function; we also provide an introduction to T cell receptor genomics and the concept of the T cell clonotype.

10. Thymic stromal cell cultures for t-cell differentiation

11. Relationship between the Baffling factor and T

12. Is defined by the following relationship: T 10 = Baffling factor x T theoretical = Baffling factor x Basin Volume / Flow Rate

13. Astragalus is a powerful immunostimulant showing the ability to control T-helper cells 1 and 2 while increasing macrophage, immunoglobulin and natural killer cell activity, production and function.

14. We conclude that skeletal muscle Antagonizes T cell exhaustion by protecting T cell proliferative potential from inflammation and replenishing the effector T cell progeny pool in lymphoid organs.

15. A subgroup of T cells, called helper T cells, help their companions, the B cells, to secrete large quantities of antibodies.

16. CD4+ T-cell absolute counts was 1.5 times higher than the percent C.V. for CD4+ T-cell percentages.

17. B-cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia (T-PLL) is a mature post-thymic T-cell malignancy with aggressive clinical course.

18. The AVN composed of four types cells, P cell, T cell, Purkinje cell and normal cardiac working cell.

19. Cell mediated Immune Response: Cell mediated immune response is carried out by the T-cells or T lymphocytes (Fig

20. In a healthy person, helper T cells stimulate or activate the immune system to attack infections.

21. Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Therapy

22. T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive haematologic cancer associated with a high white blood cell count.

23. The subjects showed immunological alterations such as lymphopenia (50%), decreased T helper/T suppressor ratio (93%), both these abnormalities (43%), decreased T helper cells (75%), increased T suppressor cytotoxic cells (81%), decreased natural killer (NK) activity (77%), anergy (50%) or hypoergy (43%) to recall skin testing and elevated levels of IgG (87%).

24. In the lymph nodes, a mature B cell, activated by helper T cells and related antigen, “proliferates and differentiates to form plasma cells that secrete identical antibodies with a single specificity at a rate of about 10,000 molecules per cell per second.” —Immunology.

25. Absolute numbers of T cells were reduced, Leu2a+ preferentially, resulting in an increase in helper/suppressor ratios.