Immunity, active in Vietnamese

Miễn dịch, chủ động

Sentence patterns related to "Immunity, active"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Immunity, active" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Immunity, active", or refer to the context using the word "Immunity, active" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. While active, grants immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Disease effects.

2. Active Artificially acquired immunity refers to any immunization with an antigen

3. Your body can produce antibodies against certain diseases, giving you active immunity.

4. (i) agents used to produce active immunity, such as cholera vaccine, BCG, polio vaccines, smallpox vaccine;

5. Humoral Immunity: Cell mediated Immunity: 1

6. Humoral immunity and Cell mediated immunity are two types of adaptive immunity

7. Main Difference – Humoral Immunity vs Cell mediated immunity

8. Moreover, compared to immunity from jurisdiction, immunity from measures of constraint is more akin to absolute immunity

9. Consular immunity is a lesser form of diplomatic immunity

10. Composition for enhancing immunity containing compounds represented by chemical formulas 1-8 or sophora flavescens extract as active ingredient

11. Moreover, compared to immunity from jurisdiction, immunity from measures of constraint is more akin to absolute immunity.

12. Blanket immunity.

Thủ tục miễn tố đây!

13. Vaccination for longer and active immunity against this disease may be carried out during April - May as a preventive measure .

14. What does Antitoxin mean? A circulating antibody formed by the body, as active immunity, to act against a specific toxin

15. Humoral immunity is called active when the organism generates its antibodies, and passive when antibodies are transferred between individuals or species.

16. China should promulgate Law on State Immunity and make clear restrictive immunity.

17. Immunity or nothing!

Miễn tội hoặc không có gì!

18. Diplomatic fucking immunity.

Đ.M, miễn tố ngoại giao.

19. Similarly, cell-mediated immunity is active when the organisms’ T-cells are stimulated, and passive when T cells come from another organism.

20. AIIMS 2004: The treatment of snake bite by Antivenine is an example of (A) Artificially acquired active immunity (B) Artificially acquired passive imm

21. We have diplomatic immunity.

Chúng tôi có ngoại giao miễn nhiệm.

22. He has diplomatic immunity.

23. Battler has complete immunity multiplied by infinity, which grants complete immunity to higher-dimensional magic

24. Discuss the causation of development from the absolute jurisdictional immunity to the relative jurisdictional immunity.

25. Did you offer her immunity?

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