IAEA in Vietnamese

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Cơ quan năng lượng nguyên tử quốc tế ( International Atomic Energy Agency)

Sentence patterns related to "IAEA"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "IAEA" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "IAEA", or refer to the context using the word "IAEA" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Government of Japan to the IAEA (IAEA) report, Nishikawa said, "(security countermeasures) specific schedule is not clear."

2. That will be news to IAEA inspectors.

3. IAEA adheres to the analogous point of view.

4. A recent IAEA pamphlet describing the safeguards system.

5. The return of IAEA inspectors could pose another problem.

6. The project is absolutely transparent and fully under IAEA control.

7. + As agreed in the March Separation Plan, India has accepted only IAEA safeguards that will be reflected in an India-specific Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA.

8. Nations pledged new resources to help the IAEA meet its responsibilities.

9. All exports of nuclear materials and equipment will be subject to IAEA safeguard.

10. Now , IAEA Director - General Mohamed ElBaradei says Tehran may have changed its mind.

11. The IAEA should make full use of existing verification authorities, including special inspections.

12. A balance should be struck between the promotional and regulatory activities of IAEA

13. A recent IAEA briefing on their perception of the challenges to the safeguards system.

14. We also advocate transparency through the conclusion of Additional Safeguard Protocols with the IAEA.

15. * The Agreement provides for the application of IAEA safeguards to transferred material and equipment.

16. The nuclear Powers should also observe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards agreements

17. The IAEA has a central role to play in taking forward this process.

18. * An India-specific protocol and not an Additional Protocol as per IAEA Standard Modified Protocol.

19. The IAEA has stated that it wants Iran to prove its nuclear intentions are peaceful.

20. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) # “Proposed Indicators of Sustainable Development for Radioactive Waste Management”

21. The IAEA inspectors have been asked to leave Korea at the earliest possible time.

22. After successfully hosting an IAEA Operational Safety Review Team at two nuclear power reactors in 2012, this year we have invited the IAEA to conduct a regulatory review of India’s Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB).

23. The IAEA safeguards system is a fundamental pillar of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.

24. POWELL: Nonetheless, Iraq continued to tell the IAEA that it had no nuclear weapons program.

25. He first came to the IAEA in 1984 as a senior member of the secretariat.

26. Conclusion of Practical Arrangements between GCNEP and the IAEA would reinforce India’s cooperation with the Agency.

27. The additional protocol merely facilitates the implementation of the IAEA safeguards as per India’s safeguards agreement.

28. He added that the US welcomed the news, and was awaiting verification from the IAEA team.

Ông cho rằng Hoa Kỳ hoan nghênh tin này và đang đợi sự kiểm tra của đội thanh sát IAEA.

29. Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities.

30. As supplier states, the sides support multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle at the IAEA.

31. We have concluded safeguards agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including on additional protocols.

32. Both the Iranian document and the confidential IAEA response were made available to The Associated Press.

33. The safeguards system of the IAEA is a fundamental pillar of the nuclear non-proliferation regime

34. Co-operation with the IAEA in the areas of Nuclear Material Accountancy and Additional Protocols was satisfactory.

35. The Commission functions in the role of “Community System of Accountancy and Control” for IAEA purposes.

36. The Additional Protocol was signed between the Government of India and the IAEA on 15 May 2009.

37. Article III: New Zealand has a comprehensive safeguards agreement and an additional protocol in force with IAEA

38. We also call upon Iran to sign the additional protocol to the NPT-related IAEA safeguards agreement.

39. Iran is required by the IAEA Board and the Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities.

40. The meeting assumes significance in view of the forthcoming IAEA Board of Governors meeting on August 1, 2008.

41. Japan has actively participated in discussions on strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the IAEA safeguards.

42. Additionally IAEA has conducted the "Integrated Regulatory Review Service” (IRRS) review of India's regulatory agency, the AERB.

43. The IAEA board of governors meets tomorrow to decide whether to report Iran to the Security Council.

44. (a) whether the Government has decided to ratify an additional protocol with IAEA to expand civil nuclear programme;

45. Pursuant to article III, Canada has in place a comprehensive safeguards agreement and an additional protocol with IAEA.

46. * The IAEA continues to provide the best framework for addressing technical issues related to the Iranian nuclear programme.

47. India has been actively involved in the preparation of the Nuclear Security Series documents produced by the IAEA.

48. India undertakes that the reactor facilities and nuclear fuel supplied by Russia shall remain under the IAEA safeguards during the entire period of their actual use in accordance with the agreement on safeguards, which shall be concluded between the Republic of India and the IAEA.

49. On # ecember # raq submitted to the IAEA its “Currently accurate full and complete declaration” as requested by the Council in resolution

50. It is absolutely clear that UNMOVIC and IAEA have the necessary conditions for the fulfillment of the tasks set for them.