Arrhenotokous in Vietnamese

a sinh sản đơn tính toàn đực, trinh sinh toàn đực

Sentence patterns related to "Arrhenotokous "

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Arrhenotokous " from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Arrhenotokous ", or refer to the context using the word "Arrhenotokous " in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Arietate - To strike with a battering ram or to butt like a ram aristology - The science of dining aristophren - A person possesing a superior intellect arithmophobia - A fear of numbers armomancy - Divination involving the shoulder blades of animals arrhenophobia - A fear of male o spring arrhenotokous - Having only male o spring