Arisaema in Vietnamese

cây chóc, cây bán hạ, cây thiên nam tinh, Arisaema dracontium

Sentence patterns related to "Arisaema "

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Arisaema " from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Arisaema ", or refer to the context using the word "Arisaema " in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' (Italian Arum) is a tuberous perennial with attractive flowers reminiscent of Arisaema tryphyllum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)

2. The species Arisaema jacquemontii, A. speciosum, A. triphyllum, Biaris davisii ssp. davisii, Othonna armiana, O. euphorbioides, O. lobata, Adenia fruticosa, A. spinosa, Ceraria gariepina, C. longipedunculata, C. namaquensis, C. pygmaea, C. schaeferi, Trillium catesbaei, T. cernuum, T. flexipes, T. grandiflorum, T. luteum, T. recurvatum and T. undulatum - all currently included in Annex D of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 - are not imported into the Community in such numbers as to warrant monitoring.

3. The species Arisaema jacquemontii, A. speciosum, A. triphyllum, Biaris davisii ssp. davisii, Othonna armiana, O. euphorbioides, O. lobata, Adenia fruticosa, A. spinosa, Ceraria gariepina, C. longipedunculata, C. namaquensis, C. pygmaea, C. schaeferi, Trillium catesbaei, T. cernuum, T. flexipes, T. grandiflorum, T. luteum, T. recurvatum and T. undulatum- all currently included in Annex D of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No #/#- are not imported into the Community in such numbers as to warrant monitoring