Achilles heel in Vietnamese

danh từ
(thành ngữ) an/one’s Achilles’ heel điểm yếu; lỗi lầm; gót Asi

Sentence patterns related to "Achilles heel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Achilles heel" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Achilles heel", or refer to the context using the word "Achilles heel" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. You're his Achilles heel.

2. You're my Achilles heel.

3. Everybody's got an Achilles heel.

4. Innovation is "Europe's Achilles' heel"

5. The Achilles' heel of productivity.

6. Everyone has their Achilles heel.

7. It has its Achilles heel.

8. It was her Achilles' heel.

9. Well, dogs are her Achilles heel.

10. The brand has an Achilles' heel.

11. Do you understand your Achilles’ heel?

12. Nish'ta does have an Achilles heel.

13. "This is the NSA's Achilles heel.

14. You know what your Achilles heel is?

15. The team's offense is their Achilles' heel.

16. You said his family was his Achilles heel.

Cô nói gia đình là tử huyệt của anh ta.

17. I think Frank's vanity is his Achilles' heel.

18. Measuring the microclimate was the expedition's achilles' heel.

19. But managerial capitalism, too, has its Achilles heel.

20. But this wonderful system has an Achilles’ heel.

21. The desire for publicity became her Achilles' heel.

22. Security is the Achilles' heel of our computer systems.

23. You're close to revealing geography is your Achilles heel.

24. The chiliasts have found the Achilles’ heel of clericaldom . . .

25. The financing of terrorism is its Achilles heel

26. Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.

27. Delivery is the Achilles heel of the Lisbon strategy.

28. Mythology states even the ancients have an Achilles heel.

29. Cara had one very big Achilles' heel - Barnaby Stewart.

30. Yet restenosis, the Aphorismic 'Achilles heel', remains to be conquered

31. This is where the term "Achilles' heel" is derived from.

Từ đó thành ngữ "gót chân Achilles" ra đời.

32. But what you realize, it's got an Achilles' heel.

33. 17 Measuring the microclimate was the expedition's achilles' heel.

34. You have probably understood that mosquitoes are my Achilles' heel.

35. Biomedical researchers are busy looking for the diseases' Achilles' heel.

36. Paris then shot an arrow at Achilles' heel and killed him.

37. Oil is the Achilles' heel of the trade picture now.

38. Human rights are clearly the Achilles heel of the Iranian regime.

39. Be alert, and never allow a spiritual Achilles’ heel to develop.

40. This is the Achilles heel of the matter, in my view.

41. Also, the “green revolution” has an “Achilles’ heel,” a vulnerable spot.

42. There was no giant out there without perhaps a simple Achilles heel.

43. Prisons are always the Achilles heel, the weak point of a democracy.

44. Every villain has his Achilles' heel. And microscopic scoundrels are no exception.

45. It showed up the Achilles heel of the government - its excessively dictatorial tendencies.

46. Data exchange and information systems are the Achilles heel of international freight services.

47. The enemy had an Achilles' heel somewhere, if only he could find it.

48. Charioteer KRYPTONITE: This is the achilles heel the Charioteer must watch out for

49. Subsequent clinical studies aimed to target this Achilles heel of hereditary tumor subtypes.

50. The Achilles heel of Bougainvillea has always been their delicate and thin root system