A/S level in Vietnamese

danh từ
(ở Anh) kỳ thi GCE có trình độ giữa GCSE và trình độ cao, cho phép học sinh học nhiều môn hơn ở trình độ cao.

Sentence patterns related to "AS level"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "AS level" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "AS level", or refer to the context using the word "AS level" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. • N ew evidence can be presented S econd level - W P A & AFP S

2. PS / TBS ADM Level business lunch Date(s):

3. In the case of Passeriformes, family-level versions are cited : Reference for: Aves : Publication(s): Author(s)/Editor(s):

4. g = gravity acceleration (981 cm s 2 at sea level)

5. Ni som såg matchen, vem Betedde sig konstigt? level 1

6. This process is to test for GALAXY S4's level of water resistance

7. the substance is absorbed in physiological form and physiological level of compound(s).

8. (a) M+S marked in case of approval with regard to rolling sound emission level at stage 1;

9. Antepenultime/A anteponer/V anteposition/S anterior/A anterioritate/S anteriormente anthelminthic/A anthelminthico/S anthocyanina/S anthographia/S anthologia/S anthologista/S anthrace/S anthracen/S anthracic/A anthracifere/A anthraciforme/A anthracite/S anthracitic/A anthracitose/A anthracometro/S anthraquinon/S anthropogenese/S anthropogenesis/S

10. The Amoeban is the first level of Stage Four in Peggle Deluxe ’s Adventure Mode

11. Accurtation/S accusabile/A accusabilitate/S accusamento/S accusar/VR accusation/S accusativo/S accusato/S accusator/ST accusatori/A acerbar/V acerbe/A acerbitate/S acere/S acetabulo/S acetamido/S acetato/S acetic/A acetificar/V acetification/S aceto/S acetona/S acetose/A acetylen/S achillea/S achromate/A achromatic/A achromatisar/V

12. A high level of colinearity in the S and Z regions was found in both self-incompatible and -compatible species.

13. The Allures 45.9’s size provides comfort, performance and manoeuvrability for a short-handed crew, while maintaining a high level of safety

14. Solution: S S aAs aSbAs A SbA a A S aabAS S a a aabbaS A ba S b A Aabbaa S a a b a 3

15. Bandjarmasin is 5 m above sea level and located at 3.33° S 114.58° E

16. Please provide details (e.g. objective(s) pursued, preferred instrument, frequency, level of detail and cost allocation).

17. 3 The Full Mont / s multiculturalism similarly exists solely at the level of the unifying image.

18. The fast improvement in the people's educational level in the 1990 s was unwonted since 19

19. (c) Please state the level of access granted to the original provider(s) of the knowledge.

20. Serum Cortisol, serum Cortisol measurement, serum Cortisol measurement (lab test), serum Cortisol, serum Cortisol level, serum Cortisol level test, Serum Cortisol measurement, Serum Cortisol (& level), Serum Cortisol (& level) (procedure), Serum Cortisol level, Serum Cortisol measurement (procedure) Czech: Kortizol v séru: Hungarian: Szérum

21. Blackwill ' s speech just shows the level of discontent among American MNCs over reforms and government policies .

22. It has achieved similar results at national level in the German Food Society (DLG)'s quality tests

23. 3.0% FS or 0.6 m/s absolute difference Stack gas moisture monitor* Low level (0 - 20% FS)

24. Ratings of the inputs cost in current dollars at the S level of aggregation (KLEMS) Table J:

25. For systems where ACPI standards are applicable, the Off Mode correlates to ACPI System Level S# state