ecclesia in Turkish

  1. (çoğ.) si ae) kilise
  2. cemaat
  3. eski Yunan şehir devletlerinde yasama meclisi. ecclesiarch kilise başkanı, büyük papaz. ecclesias'(tic.) kiliseye veya kilise örgütüne ait, dini
  4. papaz, vaiz, rahip . ecclesias'ticism kilise prensip veya usulleri, bu usullere bağlılık ve merak.

Sentence patterns related to "ecclesia"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ecclesia" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ecclesia", or refer to the context using the word "ecclesia" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Alexandrite is an item in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

2. Animadvertebat Ecclesia officium in mundo Patris amorem ardenter significandi

3. 9 This is only the third meeting of the new Negril ecclesia.

4. 3 Where did the term ecclesia come from? Do you remember?

5. 11 Each letter covered both good and bad things at the particular ecclesia.

6. 21 This is different--we might think this is automatic but,notice, ecclesia this is not treating the church as an ecclesia, that Greek word that we translate "church."

7. 15 From I Peter Peter begins addressing specific groups within each ecclesia.

8. This web site is provided by the Republic, MO Unamended Christadelphian Ecclesia

9. 6 MARTIN: Normally because our ecclesia is small we concentrate mainly on our area.

10. SYSTEM OF RULES EMBaODYING THE FOREGOING SUGGESTIONS 1.—That we are a Christadelphian ecclesia

11. 7 In Greek,what does the term ecclesia originally refer to in classical Greek?

12. 12 So it is also in the body of Christ,( the ecclesia.

13. 22 We must try to imagine the excitement that was in the Jerusalem ecclesia.

14. 17 Bro Jim Hegarty recalls many who helped the Waterford ecclesia to get on its feet.

15. The Christadelphian Ecclesia at Boston Phone: (781) 341-4428 Email: [email protected] Member Resources Donate

16. Ecclesia [mediaeval Latin, and Greek - from : SUMMONED]-A regularly Convoked assembly, especially the general assembly of Athenians

17. 4 Paul had to remind them that the ecclesia as a whole is the body of Christ.

18. 20 And the faith he proclaimed lives on in the hearts and the minds of the Kingston ecclesia .

19. 18 That house became very soon "the house" of the followers of Jesus, i. e. a domus- ecclesia .

20. 1 She had previously taught at Ecclesia Bible College, as well as Theological Centre for Asia, Singapore.

21. 8 It's important that early Christians,for some reason, chose this word ecclesia to describe their house churches.

22. A Cathedral has a specific ecclesiastical role and administrative purpose as the seat of a bishop.The Cathedral (Latin: ecclesia Cathedralis, lit

23. Brachyura is a boss in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. It is a giant crab from the depths of Transylvanian history.

24. Hoc ex loco collegit Ecclesia illam appellationem “peccatorum quae coram Deo vindictam Clamant” quibus ante omnia voluntarium annumeratur homicidium (Cfr

25. 19-22: <<Quare quia non temere fiierat Arguendum quod ibi ecclesia teste fuerat positum; hoc potius videbatur a dubitante querendum, utrum quem semel posuit ecclesia ministram ad agendum aliquod sacramentum ipsa possit culpa promerente aliquando deponere vel excommunicare, ita ut in sacramentis agere nequeat quod ante potuit>>.

26. La Hoc ex loco collegit Ecclesia illam appellationem “peccatorum quae coram Deo vindictam Clamant ” quibus ante omnia voluntarium annumeratur homicidium (Cfr

27. Sumptis, Domine, sacramentis redemptionis aeternae, supplices deprecamur, ut, Compassionem beatae Mariae Virginis recolentes, ea in nobis pro Ecclesia adimpleamus, quae desunt Christi passionum

28. It was taken literally from the last chapter of Wycliffe's book, De ecclesia, and his treatise, De absolutione a pena et culpa.

29. 14 As a matter of fact, the rediscovered house of Peter is the first example of a domus- ecclesia in the Christian world.

30. Interior tamen et religiosa paenitentiae indoles, quamvis praestantior sit novasque formas in Ecclesia excitet, tamen exteriorem eiusdem virtutis usum non solum nullo modo submovet vel extenuat, sed etiam eios necessitatem in nostrae Aetatis humana consortione singulari cum vehementia urget (45); quam ob rem Ecclesia, praeter ieiunium et abstinentiam, temporum signa perspiciens, eas semper

31. 5 ALAN: Port Maria ecclesia came into being largely through the lone work of sis. Dorothy Isaacs. And that really is the origin, from her faithful work there.

32. 10 COMMENTARY: There is a light encircling Jamaica now. A ring of lampstands giving ample testimony to the gospel and there is a clear role for each individual ecclesia .

33. 2 JIM HEGARTY: When we were founding our ecclesia , we could have come across a lot of red-tape from the local government – which is the local urban council.

34. 16 About 70 miles south east of Negril is the rural community of Round Hill. Here, within view of the Caribbean a vibrant ecclesia has been formed and is flourishing.

35. 19 Alan and Mary Eyre still attend mid-week Bible class at Free Hill, but have changed their home ecclesia to Port Maria, which is just starting up.

36. 13 For several years the brothers and sisters of Belfast Ecclesia had to pass through a British checkpoint in order to attend Sunday meeting at the ecclesial hall.

37. COMMENTARY: There is a light encircling Jamaica now. A ring of lampstands giving ample testimony to the gospel and there is a clear role for each individual ecclesia .

38. Thus, two of the most prestigious word resources in the English language confirm the fact that an "ecclesia" was originally a select civil body, summoned or Convoked for a

39. Elsewhere Spinks also traces, in a number of key texts in the Barthian corpus, Barth's increasing difficulty with particular sacramental interpretations of baptism, see ‘Karl Barth's Teaching on Baptism: Its Development, Antecedents and the “Liturgical Factor”’, Ecclesia Oran 14 (1997), pp

40. Ceterum, cum Ecclesia, licet cum mundo non coalescat ut sit idem, neque sit de mundo, tam en in mundum inseratur atque cum eo colloquium sed dialogum habeat (4) non est mirum in ipsa eius compage effectus ac signa Animadverti divisionum, quibus humana societas vulneratur.

41. Atque ut Senatorum Acclamationes in Acta publica relatae, unmerô etiam adnotatô, quoties quidque dictum fuisset: Sic et vetus Ecclesia, cum in Acta Synodica (Πράξεις ipsi et Πεπραγμὲνα, dixêre,) tum in alia Gesta Ecclesiastica, habitas Acclamationes per Notarios suos pari diligentiâ referebat.

42. Ceterum, cum Ecclesia, licet cum mundo non coalescat ut sit idem, neque sit de mundo, tam en in mundum inseratur atque cum eo colloquium sed dialogum habeat (4) non est mirum in ipsa eius compage effectus ac signa Animadverti divisionum, quibus humana societas vulneratur.

43. Qui cum stellam Draconis ignei effigie horridam in caelo conspexisset, qua sibi Regnum portendi edixerant Aruspices, Rex demum, Aurelio fratre extincto, factus: 'Jussit fabricari duos Dracones ex auro ad similitudinem Draconis, quem in radio stellae inspexerat, et unura in Ecclesia primae sedis Wintoniae obtulit, alterum vero

44. [the Church] condemns, rejects, Anathematizes and declares to be outside the Body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views.” The Latin of the Council of Florence: “Quoscunque ergo adversa et contraria sentientes damnat, reprobat et anathematizat et a Christi corpore, quod est ecclesia, alienos esse denuntiat.”5