disparate in Turkish

  1. eşit olmayan, birbirine benzemeyen, tamamen ayrı, farklı.

Sentence patterns related to "disparate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disparate" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disparate", or refer to the context using the word "disparate" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. It's like they're made of these disparate parts, these disparate chunks sort of floating out there.

2. Chalk and cheese are disparate substances.

3. Disparate remedies for a desperate disease.

4. The five experiments gave quite disparate results.

5. Why should it attack these disparate groups?

6. Airstrip ONE®: · Shatters barriers between disparate data

7. They were otherwise a very disparate group of seven.

8. This field encompasses many disparate schools of economic thought.

9. Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy.

10. Atomistic; Atomistical (divided into separate and often disparate elements) Sense 2

11. 21 The industry with forestall and disparate competition has different market structure.

12. These three books cover that same spectrum while discussing widely disparate topics.

13. The industry with forestall and disparate competition has different market structure.

14. But how would this disparate, lateral movement fit into a linear ideology?

15. Yet there were spasmodic and disparate indications of development in the opposite direction.

16. However, much of this data is disparate and contentious; conflicting views regarding the Claustrum’s …

17. Really, this book seems to be an excuse to Anthologize five disparate stories.

18. The disparate movements of protest were for a moment united in massive resistance.

19. She helped coordinate the Harmony Alliance, which works at bringing disparate groups together.

20. Trends in Copepod Studies is a somewhat disparate collection of studies of marine planktonic Copepods

21. Previously disparate activities get connected in ways that would have been discarded until recently.

22. Previously disparate activities get connected in ways that would have been discarded until recently

23. Antonyms for Analogous include different, dissimilar, diverse, unlike, contrasting, disparate, unalike, discrepant, unakin and unrelated

24. The recession has created an atmosphere where disparate groups fraternise in an atmosphere of mutual support.

25. They have had to overcome many difficulties; not least in trying to marry-up disparate computer systems.

26. Most of the conglomerates which were made up of a disparate collection of businesses have failed.

27. Tripp Lite Couplers: Copper and Fiber Couplers let you connect similar and disparate devices on your network.

28. His immediate priority, though, was to weld a disparate group of men into a cohesive fighting force.

29. Braising is the art of transformation, of taking disparate elements and fusing them into a greater, cohesive whole

30. We are also concerned about the potentially disparate impact of these activities on US immigrants and border communities.[

31. 5 But while anyone can slap together a collage, few can turn disparate elements into a unified whole.

32. The two cultures were so utterly disparate that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.

33. Antonyms for atomistic Antonyms for (adj) atomistic Main entry: atomistic, Atomistical Definition: divided into separate and often disparate elements

34. Since then his fleet has swelled from 28 to advertising products as disparate as detergent, pharmaceuticals and fans.

35. Composite definition, made up of disparate or separate parts or elements; compound: a Composite drawing; a Composite philosophy

36. Annelid worms are a disparate, primitively segmented clade of bilaterians that first appear during the early Cambrian Period

37. Autogenous definition: originating within the body synonyms: self-produced, self-generated, autogenic, self-induced antonyms: heterogenous, induced, disparate

38. The whole of the MNC therefore constitutes a very disparate bloc whose regional integration is of absolute necessity.

39. Bacn bridges the gaps between those systems and extends communications among disparate users and networks to provide improved situational awareness.

40. Throughout the last decade, information age companies struggled to find places where their disparate workforce could live under one roof.

41. Slacker is very funny indeed and highly innovative in its use of roving camera and juxtaposing various disparate conversations.

42. A study of Richard II's Conferments of knighthood provides an interesting opportunity to unite these disparate strands of inquiry

43. The two perspectives, that of the manager and that of the team member, reveal disparate visions of these changes.

44. Individual working patterns are becoming more and more disparate, interdependent with other activities and personal responsibilities and changing throughout a lifetime.

45. Amyloidosis is any of a group of disparate conditions characterized by extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrils composed of misaggregated proteins

46. Further legislation followed, which could more reasonably be said to have united the hitherto disparate regimes of legacy and trust.

47. Bookbinder has done a superb job of documenting facts, weaving seemingly disparate themes together, and following a methodical analytical process

48. Others may follow, especially those with disparate businesses and a lagging stock price that management is under pressure to raise.

49. About Clickable Industry-leading Clickable helps agencies and brands measure their marketing ROI by connecting disparate products and services into one platform

50. 19 Part of the skill of the interviewer is in extracting different salient points from individuals and appropriately weighting totally disparate facets.