disarm in Turkish

  1. silahsızlandırmak, silahtan tecrit etmek, silâhını almak
  2. zararsız hale getirmek
  3. şüpheyi bertaraf etmek, dost kazanmak
  4. (ask.) silâhını elinden almak
  5. silahları bırakmak
  6. bir memleketin silahlı kuvvetlerinin sayısını azaltmak veya sınırlamak. disarm (ing) dost kazandırıcı.

Sentence patterns related to "disarm"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disarm" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disarm", or refer to the context using the word "disarm" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. So we had to disarm them.

2. No, but, sir, we can't disarm...

3. She uses humor to disarm people.

4. The government was reluctant to disarm.

5. The superpowers never agreed to disarm.

6. You'll better disarm and surrender.

7. No, but, sir, we can' t disarm

8. Both sides must disarm before the peace talks.

9. Do you know how to disarm the weapon?

10. Instead she figures out how to disarm the bomb.

11. A rhetorical device with which to disarm his critics?

12. Getting the rebels to disarm will not be easy.

13. The superpowers are unlikely to disarm completely.

14. The rest of the guerrillas were to disarm by Oct.

15. The troops will not attempt to disarm the warring militias.

16. It is difficult to persuade the superpowers to disarm.

17. How can we get our land or keep it if we disarm?

18. Riposte - Targets immune to disarm effects will now take damage from Riposte.

19. The only way to disarm a bomb is to remove the trigger.

20. And it will not disarm so long as Saddam Hussein holds power.

21. To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens. Adolf Hitler 

22. The best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh.

23. He repeated the government's pledge to disarm civilians to further lower national tensions.

24. Mary can always disarm us with one of her happy little smiles.

25. Antonyms for Antagonize include pacify, placate, appease, calm, disarm, mollify, soothe, agree, aid and conciliate

26. He resisted arrest and muscle memory kicked in and you had to disarm him.

27. To disarm the people ( is ) the best and most effectual way to enslave them.

28. 47 synonyms for Conciliate: pacify, win over, soothe, reconcile, disarm, appease, placate, mollify

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30. They know that a smile can disarm people and put them off guard.

31. When you disarm law Abiding citizens, you make them more likely to be victims

32. Your unpretentious manner will disarm the most unbelieving heart and loosen the adversary’s grip.

33. The members hoped that the security thus provided would give nations confidence to disarm.

34. The realistic alternative is to disarm imperialism by overthrowing it in its main bastions.

35. The policeman, with unbelievable fortitude, was able to disarm the attacker before collapsing from his wounds.

36. Prime Minister Major favors elections as a path to talks since paramilitary groups have refused to disarm.

37. Well, we need to keep track of Lewis until you figure out how to disarm the bomb.

38. To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.

39. The police account was that Garcia was shot while struggling with officers who were attempting to disarm him.

40. The troopers then fanned out to disarm the blacks; two blacks were shot and two bayoneted in the process.

41. Antonyms for Alienate include reconcile, unite, combine, disarm, join, marry, be friendly, associate, link and connect

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43. In addition, according to this accord, the NLA were to disarm and hand over their weapons to a NATO force.

44. There is therefore the broadest possible political consensus behind the pressures to enforce such a duty to disarm.

45. This suspicion is hard to disarm, since that is indeed what some Conservative advocates of enlargement would like.

46. She will be offering a package worth about 40 million dollars, to tempt the rebels into agreeing to disarm.

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48. In particular, Germany's attempts to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and the reconstruction of the German military made France increasingly unwilling to disarm.

49. Rejecting any partition of the country, Cheiffou called upon the rebels to disarm, and to air their grievances through dialogue.

50. Calling the West’s bargain with Libya “an invasion tactic to disarm the country, ” the official said it amounted to a bait and switch approach.