dictum in Turkish

  1. yetkili hüküm veya söz
  2. (huk.) hüküm, (huk.)uki mütalâa
  3. darbımesel, atasözü.

Sentence patterns related to "dictum"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dictum" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dictum", or refer to the context using the word "dictum" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Arroganter dictum existimari velim

2. I agree with this dictum.

3. This dictum is borne out again and again.

4. " Pride comes before a fall " is a famous dictum.

5. Ever since, Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law.

6. He followed the famous American dictum, 'Don't get mad, get even'.

7. More pale humour in the final dictum about the press.

8. This dictum is more familiar in its application to grammar.

9. This dictum applies particularly to price discrimination and vertical restraints.

10. "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense .

11. The court in Philippou does not appear to have known of the dictum in McHugh.

12. Watch sellers employ a logical Italian dictum: a well - dressed man owns at least timepieces.

13. Foolish dictum: In a team , a valuable team player must aspire to be leader.

14. Note that criteria, data and dicta are plural words: the singulars are criterion, datum and dictum.

15. But most other politicians adhere to Benjamin Jowett's famous dictum about apologies: never!

16. She reminded us of Barnum's dictum: You could sell anything to anybody if you marketed it right.

17. 21 synonyms for Adage: saying, motto, maxim, proverb, dictum, precept, by-word, saw, axiom, aphorism

18. This was also echoed by Deng's dictum: " Free our mind and seek truth from facts. "

19. Just as annoying is the pretty dictum that acts must sing live, when most of them can't.

20. If so, it is doubtful whether his dictum about A's right to retake the goods is law.

21. Remember the dictum our professor taught us, diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite.

22. IN 1964 Marshall McLuhan, a media scholar, offered his now-famous dictum that "the medium is the message."

23. In my judgment this approach was wrong in law even if the dictum in Morris had been correct.

24. That catches the familiar dictum that science explains particular events by generalizing and by making them cases of laws at work.

25. Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibility or influence, but not both.

26. A contingent of rebels held out in the virtually impregnable Kenilworth Castle and did not surrender until the drafting of the conciliatory Dictum of Kenilworth.

27. Gloriantur ii vel ipsi, qui sacra a vobis separatim obeunt, Armeniam gentem Christi fidem edoctam fuisse a Gregorio, viro sanctissimo, cui Illuminatori dictum Cognomen est, eumque parentem ac patronum obsequio colunt singulari.

28. Aphorism noun saying, maxim, gnome, adage, proverb, dictum, precept, axiom, apothegm, saw one of his favoured Aphorisms Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd …

29. Marx, in his famous dictum from the preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy Aphorised how the politico-judicial superstructure reflect the forms of social consciousness of

30. Nothing about what she said was radical — it was no more than a modern riff on Oliver Wendell Holmes's famous dictum that "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society."

31. Pew would Arguev with the age-old dictum that we ahnald; educate- our children; -yet.de.-we consider u important >to- adu- ,caie ourselves.' As a start, do you kaow

32. The " whole " (omne) of the dictum, the major term, ceases to be taken in extension, and becomes intensive or Connotative, and the inference consists in subsuming the minor under (bringing it into connexion with) the major.

33. Absolutism was a system of government in which all sovereignty resided with the king, true to Louis XIV’s dictum: “I am the state.” Particularly in France and Germany, the wars of religion had seriously weakened national governments and monarchies.

34. Ad tertium dicendum quod, quia sacramenta operantur secundum similitudinem per quam significant, ideo per quandam Assimilationem dicitur quod in hoc sacramento corpus offertur pro salute corporis, et sanguis pro salute animae, quamvis utrumque ad salutem utriusque operetur, cum sub utroque totus sit Christus, ut supra dictum est

35. Ex Africa semper Aliquid novi "(There is) always something new (coming) out of Africa" Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 8, 42 (unde etiam vulgare Graeciae dictum semper Aliquid novi Africam adferre), a translation of the Greek «Ἀεὶ Λιβύη φέρει τι καινόν»

36. The emergence of aberrant mutants like the gene ( a ) responsible for sickle - cell anaemia illustrates Haldane ' s dictum that resistance to an infectious disease in many cases involves highly specific mechanisms that are of no use in other contexts and may in fact be harmful .

37. Atque ut Senatorum Acclamationes in Acta publica relatae, unmerô etiam adnotatô, quoties quidque dictum fuisset: Sic et vetus Ecclesia, cum in Acta Synodica (Πράξεις ipsi et Πεπραγμὲνα, dixêre,) tum in alia Gesta Ecclesiastica, habitas Acclamationes per Notarios suos pari diligentiâ referebat.

38. Yet the very next day, his Private Secretary John Peck recorded that the Prime Minister’s dictum was “‘We must just KBO,’ which, he explained, meant ‘Keep Buggering On.’” The International Churchill Society and our partners at America’s National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri, want you to know how we are doing our bit to KBO:

39. Dictum est mihi etiam Papam ponderasse quod Roma post adventum supradictarum licterarum instetit pluries apud suam Sanctitatem super prorogatione termini dati ad exibendum Approbationem Cæsaris super dictis capitulis, et quod etiam ex hoc Papa comprendit non sincere pro parte ipsorum procedi, sed eos solum quærere dilationem ad eorum