derogation in Turkish

  1. küçültme, azaltma, zillet, zarar.

Sentence patterns related to "derogation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "derogation" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "derogation", or refer to the context using the word "derogation" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. The derogation will comprehend ADR only.

2. A derogation agreed at interdepartmental level has no legal value.

3. Some countries with a derogation actually delivered (part of) the data.

4. France has a derogation for reporting the aggregates relating to heat.

5. However, the derogation applies only to certain specified agricultural crops.

6. France has a derogation for reporting the aggregates relating to heat

7. Any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed.

8. Derogation regarding the processing of Category 3 material and manure in composting plants

9. Article 9 of the Directive prohibits aerial spraying of pesticides, except under derogation.

10. The deletion of the derogation for niche manufacturers will reduce administrative burden.

11. I cannot accept the derogation for dicalcium phosphate, as this is against our scientific advice.

12. (d) For the purpose of point ARO.OPS.235(d), within 2 years of the implementation of a deviation or derogation, the operator shall collect data concerning the granted deviation or derogation and analyse that data using scientific principles with a view to assessing the effects of the deviation or derogation on aircrew fatigue.

13. Synonyms for Belittlement include disparagement, denigration, detraction, deprecation, derogation, depreciation, diminishment, aspersion, ridicule and belittling

14. The derogation clause cornerstone of human rights convention, the reservation of which is key issue.

15. In addition, article 16 of the Constitution provided for a derogation that was too general.

16. Nothing in this Agreement may be interpreted as derogation to compulsory provisions of law.

17. Comments: Derogation 11 limited to 31.12.2004; as from 2005, same provisions in the ADR and RID.

18. — if applicable, specific derogation allowing to support bigger scale infrustructure for investments in broad band and renewable energy;

19. Derogation from specifications for admitted tolerances for alcohol content laid down in Article #: Royal Decree #/# [cf

20. In derogation to Article 1, Member States may allow the introduction of samples for scientific purposes.

21. (5) Derogation allowed if manufacturer requests, level 3 instead, actuator signal present only without indication of symptom.

22. By way of derogation from point 1, other types of composting systems may be allowed provided they:

23. (7) Derogation allowed if manufacturer requests, level 3 instead, actuator signal present only without indication of symptom.

24. By derogation and taking account of its particular situation, the calculation factor for Somalia is fixed at

25. These Member States have been granted a derogation to continue existing zero-rating but cannot add new goods or services.

26. They also hope pragmatic derogation of the Climate Change Levy can help boost supplies to commercial and industrial customers.

27. The derogation in question is intended to allow the production of alcoholic beverages from certain plant species.

28. 1. The competent authorities shall ensure that all the applications for derogation are submitted to administrative control.

29. The provision "in addition to and not in derogation of” has to be given its normal plain meaning.

30. Much of the criticism concerned the restrictive character of the 12-day rule, whilst the concept of derogation was acknowledged as valuable.

31. By way of derogation from paragraphs 2, 4 and 5, the obligation to install an anti-tampering device shall not apply:

32. Upon request of the manufacturer, the approval authority may accept per derogation a pressure drop threshold of 50 % instead of 60 %.

33. The measure requiring a derogation is intended to counter tax avoidance through the manipulation of the value of supplies subject to value added tax (VAT).

34. 4. The competent authorities shall quantify the percentage of land under derogation covered by clover or alfalfa in grassland and by barley/pea undersown with grass.

35. By derogation from this requirement, the test pressure for the manifold of battery-vehicle or MEGC shall not be less than 300 bar for UN No 1001 acetylene, dissolved.

36. By derogation from this requirement, the test pressure for the manifold of battery-wagons or MEGCs shall not be less than 300 bar for UN 1001 acetylene, dissolved.

37. By way of derogation from Article 7.02, section 3, the total arc of blind sectors from right ahead to 22,5° abaft the beam on either side shall not exceed 20°.

38. Breach of contract damages during the time If you always held the responsibility of the party in breach would be obviously unfair sometimes, when we need the use of derogation rules.

39. (2) France and the United Kingdom requested the classification of breast implants as Class III medical devices by way of derogation from the provisions of Annex IX to Directive 93/42/EEC.

40. For particular immunological veterinary medicinal products and by derogation from the provisions of Title II, Part # Section C on active substances, the concept of a Vaccine Antigen Master File is introduced

41. Non-Derogation (a) Nothing in this Accord shall be construed so as to abrogate from any aboriginal, treaty, or other rights or freedoms that pertain to the Aboriginal people of Canada.

42. 4. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, sales notes submitted in accordance with Articles 62 and 63 shall be accepted as an alternative measure to sampling plans.

43. (b) By way of derogation from Article 7.02(3), the total arc of blind sectors from right ahead to 22,5° abaft the beam on either side shall not exceed 20°.

44. Switzerland, by derogation from the provisions of Directive 78/687/EEC, as adapted in this Agreement, shall comply with the obligations stated therein at the latest by 1 January 1997 instead of 1 January 1993.

45. (7)The derogation will only have negligible effect on the overall amount of tax revenue collected at the stage of final consumption and will have no adverse impact on the Union's own resources accruing from VAT.

46. If it is decided, according to the procedure set out in Article 122(2), to abrogate a derogation, the Council shall, acting with the unanimity of the Member States without a derogation and the Member State concerned, on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the ECB, adopt the rate at which the ECU shall be substituted for the currency of the Member State concerned, and take the other measures necessary for the introduction of the ECU as the single currency in the Member State concerned.

47. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, during fishing for cod, only gear authorised for fishing for cod or gear with a larger mesh size than the sizes laid down in Annex IV may be alowed to be kept on board.

48. The Bank of England shall pay up its subscribed capital, transfer to the ECB foreign reserve assets and contribute to its reserves on the same basis as the national central bank of a Member State whose derogation has been abrogated

49. This derogation shall apply until amendment so resolve this issue, as part of the rulemaking task RMT.0020, of Subpart H (Certificate of Airworthiness and Restricted Certificates of Airworthiness) of Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, is adopted and becomes applicable.