defacto in Turkish

  1. (Lat.) bilfiil, fiilen, hakikatte, edimli olarak.

Sentence patterns related to "defacto"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "defacto" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "defacto", or refer to the context using the word "defacto" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Long-term foster placements may turn into defacto or, eventually, legal adoptions.

2. Dominated by instrumental nous, science and technology is facing a defacto crisis.

3. The coveted contract helps strengthen arguments proposing Tuxedo as a defacto standard.

4. I once became the defacto President of a club without being a member first.

5. Hitherto defacto president in his capacity as Supreme Soviet Chair, he defeated one other candidate.

6. It is an account of legitimate authority, whereas the phrase is often used to refer to defacto authorities.

7. He also underwent several periods of defacto house arrest and trial for treason between 1956 and 19

8. Furthermore, observe this protocol and use a Red - to - Green light change as defacto Left Turn Arrow.

9. However, he went beyond such extensive controls and he exercised full defacto control and the trustees allowed this.

10. With the development of grid computing technologies, Open Grid Services Architecture is becoming the defacto standard of grid architecture.

11. Soon after the coup, Reza Khan became minister of war and defacto commander in chief of the armed forces.

12. The system of reversion could also be used, as we have seen, to establish something near to defacto hereditary tenure.

13. Bluetooth has become a defacto standard for wireless connectivity used in mobile phones, PCs, laptops, and may other electronic devices.

14. Defacto, your teammates played so well without you, does that make it easier maybe if you want take it out?

15. As such, the program's backbone is highly seasoned, stable, and already proven as the defacto standard of text and programmer's editors.

16. There is a strong case for holding that no political authority can be legitimate unless it is also a defacto authority.

17. It found itself unable to prevent the pomeshchiks from buying and selling their estates and rapidly establishing defacto hereditary rights of ownership.

18. As a result of using this antipattern, the point-to-point integration solution emerges as the defacto integration pattern for the enterprise.

19. The Georgian government, nonetheless, met in emergency session and called the Russian action part of a defacto annexation process violating international law.

20. It also seems to be picking up a lot of mind-share as the defacto 'Java Scripting Language', which is helping that community.

21. The essence of the objective of Chinas nationality Policy, realizing the " defacto equality" between nationalities, is to diminish the structural differences exist in various nationalities.

22. This is another reason why China is loath to revalue, their source of power comes from holding USD's that are overvalued, which actually makes Chinese monetary policy defacto set by the US Treasury.

23. Baird is among the latest in a string of foreign envoys to make an appearance in the rebel's defacto capital, and he used his visit to stress Ottawa's solidarity with the anti-Gadhafi cause.