blepharitis in Turkish

  1. (tıb.) göz kapaklarının iltihabı, blefarit.

Sentence patterns related to "blepharitis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blepharitis" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blepharitis", or refer to the context using the word "blepharitis" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Eye disorders Common: conjunctivitis, corneal opacity, keratitis, photophobia, eye pain Uncommon: blepharitis

2. Papilloedema (see Section #), optic nerve disorder (including optic neuritis, see Section #), nystagmus, scleritis, blepharitis

3. These include Browache, headache, external eye inflammation or infection such as blepharitis or conjunctivitis

4. Frequently, a skin disease such as seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, or acne rosacea is the underlying cause of chronic blepharitis.

5. Seborrheic blepharitis is a dandruff-like scaling of the skin on the lid margins that results in soreness, redness, and Crustiness

6. A European Robin (Erithacus rubecula) found dead in England had marked blepharitis and periocular alopecia associated with Aprocta cylindrica (Nematoda: Aproctidae) and concurrent mixed fungal infections

7. Cineraria maritima eye drops may be considered in the treatment of: chronic conjunctivitis; conjunctival irritation; cataracts, corneal opacity due to metabolic disorders caused by age, diabetes, or gouty conditions; blepharitis; overstrained eyes; inflammatory eye disease.

8. Gram-positive cocci were isolated from 79% of 57 Demodex-positive patients with blepharitis and 72% of 68 Demodex-negative patients anaerobes in 39% and 37%, gram-negative rods in 11% and 3% (statistically significant difference for gram-negative rods, α = 5%, χ2-test). Of the patients with Demodex, 25% apparently had no more parasites after mercury ointment, 2% (n = 8) and lindan (n = 5) and 15% after cortisone and antibiotics (n = 13). (The best and statistically very significant results (α = 1%) were those obtained with mercury ointment, 2%, and lindan: t-test for connected spot checks).