account in Turkish

  1. hesap vermek, sebebini belirtmek
  2. cevap vermek
  3. saymak, itibar etmek account for hesap vermek, sebebini izah etmek.
  4. hesap
  5. pusula
  6. tarif, beyan
  7. rivayet, hikâye, izahat
  8. önem, ehemmiyet, kıymet, değer
  9. sebep, cihet. account book hesap defteri. accounts payable (tic.) tediye olunacak hesaplar accounts receivable (tic.) tahsil olunacak hesaplar account rendered (tic.) borçlunun inceleyip ödemesi için ibraz edilen hesap. by all accounts herkesin dediğine göre. call to account cevap istemek, sorguya çekmek. cash account cari hesap. give an account of anlatmak, cevabını vermek, hesabını vermek. give an account of oneself nerede olduğunu ve ne yaptığını söylemek, hesap vermek. joint account müşterek hesap. make no account of saymamak, itibar etmemek. on account of için, hasebiyle, (-den) dolayı. on no account asla, katiyen, hiçbir suretle. pay an account hesabı kapatmak. profit and loss account kar ve zarar hesabı. running account açık hesap. settle an account hesabını görmek, hesaplaşmak.take into account göz önünde tutmak, düşünmek, hesaba katmak.turn to account kullanmak, zayi ekmemek.outstanding account tesviye edilmemiş hesap.

Sentence patterns related to "account"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "account" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "account", or refer to the context using the word "account" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. Account Type: IMAP Account

2. Account Type: POP Account

3. Account Type: Local Account

4. Account Type: Disconnected IMAP Account

5. account holder name and account holder ID of the transferring account;

6. Account identifier (given by account holder)

7. If your account isn't listed, click Add account and add your account.

8. Need an Array account?Create an account

9. This account is often the owner account.

10. Account policy change and account estimation are the main contents about account adjustment in the new enterprise rules of account.

11. The Alumni Account is a new email account, and not the prior student account

12. The term “Financial Account” does not include any account that is an Excluded Account.

13. An Adjunct account is a valuation account from …

14. Bank account title: United Nations Charitable Donation Account

15. Failure to maintain an accurate account register – The account holder doesn't accurately account for activity on their account and overspends through negligence.

16. Account password change—Username has changed Account password

17. Opening of an Operator Account/Operator Holding Account:

18. For joint account, both account holders must sign. For corporate account, please affix with company chop.

19. Account verification Departmental personnel responsible for account verification must:

20. Each account shall be assigned an account identification code.

21. Adjunct Account: An account in financial reporting that increases the book value of a liability account

22. Many people have more than one Google account, like a personal account and a work account.

23. 3 Using a charge account creates an account payable.

24. Individual Brokerage account: This is the standard account that most people use, where you open a Brokerage account in one name and are the only account owner attached to that account

25. "Account" refers to Your billing account for the Service.

26. Each Blizzard account supports a single Diablo III account

27. Reportable Account

28. Account status

29. Account name:

30. Account Administrator

31. Account Type

32. Account type

33. Account holder

34. Add Account


36. • Account Executive

37. Account credited

38. - account number,

39. Account Hijacking

40. Each account shall have at least one authorised/account representative who is nominated by the prospective account holder.

41. Cooper Home Loans Account and access all the account features

42. Change a local user account to an Administrator account 1

43. Billiance ACCOUNT REGISTRATION GUIDE Billiance account r Jun 8th, 2021

44. 11 Press button "1", to enter you current account balance, "2", current account details, "3", account information, "4", outstanding item details and"5", savings account details.

45. A manager account has to be made an administrative owner of an account from within the account itself.

46. They include a Bank Account, International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and Bank Identifier Code (BIC) and Postal Account.

47. A Contra account is an account used in a general ledger to reduce the value of a related account

48. Location group/business account managers can only be added to the account by a location group/business account owner.

49. An EA Account is required to use the Broadsword Account Center

50. Is my Snip account linked to my Allegro or eBay account?