westwards in Dutch

westwards [westwədz] westwaarts, naarhetweste

Sentence patterns related to "westwards"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "westwards" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "westwards", or refer to the context using the word "westwards" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Bogomils spread westwards and settled in Serbia, where they were to be known as Babuni

2. 25 Economists warn that enormous pressures could build up, forcing people to emigrate westwards.

3. Edward invaded with a huge army, pushing north from Carmarthen and westwards from Montgomery and Chester.

4. If we move westwards, we have Iran and the mineral rich countries of the Gulf and West Asia.

5. The Arabs continue rapidly westwards along the coast of North Africa, capturing Cyrenaica in 642 and Tripoli in 643

6. A crustforming event with calk-alkalic granitoid intrusions which with time moves westwards is followed by remelting and intrusion of alkali-intermediate granites and metamorphism.

7. After a few days, the main thrust of the offensive was halted south of Rimini by strong resistance and severe weather, and the British and Indian flanking forces began to push westwards, taking the frontline towards San Marino.

8. It is quite separate from the rest of the Baden vineyard zone, instead following the Rhine river westwards from Lake Constance (the Bodensee) to the southern edge of the Black Forest.The wines produced here, particularly those from vineyards close to Lake Constance itself, are often referred to as Seewein

9. ‘These Anticyclones diverted rain-bearing frontal systems away from the country for much of the time and as a result it was a dry but cloudy month everywhere.’ ‘The advancing anticyclone is centred between 35 and 40 degrees South.’ ‘Winter Anticyclones usually build westwards from Scandinavia and …

10. The Bogomils spread westwards and settled in Serbia, where they were to be known as Babuni.At the end of the 12th century Serbian Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja and the Serbian council deemed Bogomilism a heresy, and expelled them from the country.Large numbers took refuge in Bosnia and Dalmatia where they were known under the name of Patarenes (Patareni).