watchword in Dutch

watchword [wɔtʃwəːd] devies, leus, leuze, lijfspreuk, wapenspreuk, zinspreuk

Sentence patterns related to "watchword"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "watchword" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "watchword", or refer to the context using the word "watchword" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. 13 " Excelsior " is our watchword.

2. 9 Quality is our watchword.

3. 12 He did not know the watchword.

4. Free collective bargaining was its watchword.

5. 21 Control is still watchword.

6. 5 Free collective bargaining was its watchword.

7. 3 Our watchword is: 'Evolution, not revolution'.

8. Absolute obedience to the church was their watchword.

9. 1 Today the watchword is " Learn through playing ".

10. “Jesus provided our watchword, ‘Go, and do thou likewise.’

11. 24 When women run companies, cooperation, not competition, is the watchword.

12. 2 And remember, let caution be your watchword.

13. 6 This is the watchword of the Winnetka school district.

14. 19 Your watchword is fair play; your hatred , foul play.

15. This is the watchword of the Winnetka school district.

16. 17 This seemed to be some watchword or signal that all was right.

17. 4 Environmental quality will be the watchword for the 21st century.

18. 11 Efficiency seemed to be the watchword of the evening.

19. 14 To rebuild our economies, watchword must be investment rather than stimulus.

20. The Chancellor is, however, unsympathetic and safety-first will be his watchword.

21. White Backlash was "the unspoken watchword of the 1964 convention

22. 15 We gave the watchword, and the sentinel let us pass.

23. 23 The Chancellor is, however, unsympathetic and safety-first will be his watchword.

24. Brazilians, let our watchword from this day forth be 'Independence or Death!'"

25. 7 This will continue to be our watchword in the years ahead.

26. Synonyms for Catchline include slogan, motto, watchword, catchphrase, saying, byword, proverb, shibboleth, catchword and formula

27. 20 He always begins with the watchword of his faith: the customer comes first.

28. 10 In her day and at her station, the watchword for women was class.

29. 16 Still, political risk is likely to remain a watchword for Thailand in the coming months.

30. 22 That's why time and attention is paid to every home,[] with quality the watchword.

31. 27 Cartoonist Stuart Carlson shows us duck and [ take ] cover as the watchword of 19

32. Bipartisanship has been a watchword for President Biden since he began campaigning for the nation’s top job

33. 26 You don't have to deny yourself everything that's nice when you're pregnant. Moderation is the watchword.

34. Quality is the watchword for Barolo 2010, Ian D’Agata finds the vintage already displaying real density of textures and vibrant acidities

35. 25 The assembly line is giving way to quality circles, and quality rather than quantity is becoming the watchword.

36. 8 Growth is once again the watchword as the country looks for another period of expansion in higher education.

37. The assembly line is giving way to quality circles, and quality rather than quantity is becoming the watchword.

38. 18 Doggedness is the watchword here: with a sweltering equatorial sun and almost no freshwater, it is not long before 70-pound water-loaded packs begin to buckle knees and strain backs.

39. 6 Doggedness is the watchword here: with a sweltering equatorial sun and almost no freshwater,[] it is not long before 70-pound water-loaded packs begin to buckle knees and strain backs.

40. The version of the Great Commission recorded in Matthew 28:18-20 became the watchword of the Western missionary movement--perhaps emblematic of its Activistic voluntarism, grand strategies, focus on evangelism, and emphasis on the use of means.