technetium in Dutch

technetium [tekniʃaim] technetium

Sentence patterns related to "technetium"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "technetium" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "technetium", or refer to the context using the word "technetium" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Higher fatty acid derivative marked with technetium-99m

2. A technetium star, or more properly a Tc-rich star, is a star whose stellar spectrum contains absorption lines of the light radioactive metal technetium.

3. Like rhenium and palladium, technetium can serve as a catalyst.

4. Technetium and promethium are unusual light elements in that they have no stable isotopes.

5. Pertechnetate salts are usually colorless. − is produced by oxidizing technetium with nitric acid or with hydrogen peroxide.

6. An alternative disposal method, transmutation, has been demonstrated at CERN for technetium-99.

7. At room temperature, concentrated hydrochloric acid requires an aging of two years to reduce pentavalent technetium, produced in the first stage byan instantaneous reduction of pertechnetate ion, to chromatographically pure technetium (IV).

8. Technetium is produced in quantity by nuclear fission, and spreads more readily than many radionuclides.

9. The primary hazard when working with technetium is inhalation of dust; such radioactive contamination in the lungs can pose a significant cancer risk.

10. 1937 Carlo Perrier and Emilio Segrè perform the first confirmed synthesis of technetium-97, the first artificially produced element, filling a gap in the periodic table.

11. These Collimators have thicker septa than LEAP and LEHR Collimators (mainly used with Technetium 99m) in order to reduce septal penetration by the higher energy photons

12. Klaus Schwochau's book Technetium lists 31 radiopharmaceuticals based on 99mTc for imaging and functional studies of the brain, myocardium, thyroid, lungs, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, skeleton, blood, and tumors.

13. In itself, the technetium discharges do not represent a significant radiological hazard, and recent studies have noted "...that in the most recently reported dose estimates for the most exposed Sellafield group of seafood consumers (FSA/SEPA 2000), the contributions from technetium-99 and actinide nuclides from Sellafield (<100 μSv) was less than that from 210Po attributable to discharges from the Whitehaven phosphate fertilizer plant and probably less than the dose from naturally occurring background levels of 210Po."

14. Angiography may be preceded by a technetium-99m—sulfur colloid—labeled red blood cell scan to confirm that the bleeding rate is rapid enough for angiographic detection and to provide a guide to the localization of the bleeding site.