swing open in Dutch

swing open [swiŋoupən] openzwaaie

Sentence patterns related to "swing open"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "swing open" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "swing open", or refer to the context using the word "swing open" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Casement windows swing open like a door to provide superior ventilation and easy operation

2. Metal jaws swing open, and out comes the container, still glowing red, about six seconds since the glass left the furnace!

3. The Claw RC Car Pot O' Gems Computer Television Mira Statue Bubblegum Machine Art Easel Sewing Machine Robot Porch Swing Open Sign Zios Sculpture; 3 (other) Den Betas or 6 Clothing Betas: 2 Clothing Betas: 2 Clothing Betas: 2 Clothing Betas: