subjugate in Dutch

subjugate [sʌbdʒugeit] knechten, onderwerpen knechten, onderwerpe

Sentence patterns related to "subjugate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subjugate" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subjugate", or refer to the context using the word "subjugate" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. She draws on subterranean forces to subjugate and control.

2. And she had thought she could subjugate him!

3. Imperialism has not been able to subjugate China.

4. The old Yankees stopped at nothing to subjugate the Irish immigrants.

5. Journalists must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to fairness and balance.

6. Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.

7. You'd better manage to subjugate him. Otherwise it will be all over with you.

8. 9 Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.

9. (Jeremiah 32:30, 35) For this and other reasons, he allowed Assyria to subjugate Israel.

10. In 1574, under the request from Pegu, Maha Thammaracha led the Siamese armies to subjugate Vientiane.

11. After Adumar decided to join the New Republic, the Agonizer was ordered to subjugate the planet

12. The war, he said, had been launched to save the Union, not to subjugate the South.

13. Because that power comes so naturally, the elder women may not have felt the need to subjugate men.

14. Altat subjugate, force a nation or person to his or her knees, suppress الملونين، الزنوج loving-cup harika p

15. In cases concerning children it is often necessary to subjugate justice to the adults to the interests of the children.

16. Aunty Uju begins the novel as Ifemelu’s mentor but shifts to a cautionary figure due to her willingness to subjugate herself for the promise of comfort

17. Definition of Conquistador The word conquistador comes from Spanish and means "he who conquers." The Conquistadors were those men who took up arms to conquer, subjugate, and convert native populations in the New World. Who Were the Conquistadors?

18. Assubjugate to subjugate ASSURANCE deed of assurance ASSURED betrothed ATOMY an atom Used in contempt of a small person ATONE to put people at one, to reconcile to agree ATTACH to seize, lay hold on ATTASKED taken to task, reprehended ATTENT attentive ATTORNEY to employ as an agent To perform by an agent AUDACIOUS